
Hahahaha, we still joke about that in my house. I think that's the biggest laugh I ever got out of Survivor to this day. And it wouldn't have been half as funny if it didn't have Eliza's massive "Anime Eyes of Disbelief" (TM)

I think that vacant look is just Carter's default look…

I think that vacant look is just Carter's default look…

Yeah, but like I said above: Abi was NOT going to bid unless she was SURE it was the advantage. As long as anybody but Abi got the advantage, Abi would go home. Penner should have waited it out.

Yeah, but like I said above: Abi was NOT going to bid unless she was SURE it was the advantage. As long as anybody but Abi got the advantage, Abi would go home. Penner should have waited it out.

Yeah, then it becomes interesting instead of "who can yell out $500 the fastest", although it then becomes a popularity contest, which no matter how much I detest Abi (and I do), still triggers my awkward adolescent "I had a horrible time in middle school" sympathies.

Yeah, then it becomes interesting instead of "who can yell out $500 the fastest", although it then becomes a popularity contest, which no matter how much I detest Abi (and I do), still triggers my awkward adolescent "I had a horrible time in middle school" sympathies.

@avclub-b6094f195b76c1969611728baf60881f:disqus That's true, but Abi wasn't going to bid on it unless she was SURE it was the "game advantage", so it still would have been better to designate one person to save the $500 for that purpose. (Or Penner should have realized that he was next on the chopping block and

@avclub-b6094f195b76c1969611728baf60881f:disqus That's true, but Abi wasn't going to bid on it unless she was SURE it was the "game advantage", so it still would have been better to designate one person to save the $500 for that purpose. (Or Penner should have realized that he was next on the chopping block and

I relate so much to the Julia storyline, I am currently staying home, and the lifestyle just didn't fulfill me the way it does to other moms. Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me that I don't enjoy it more. I love my daughter (and I'm pregnant with number two) but being home all the time is monotonous and

I relate so much to the Julia storyline, I am currently staying home, and the lifestyle just didn't fulfill me the way it does to other moms. Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me that I don't enjoy it more. I love my daughter (and I'm pregnant with number two) but being home all the time is monotonous and

There's also, like, zero chemistry between them… the scenes together are just painful. At least there is chemistry with Romano

There's also, like, zero chemistry between them… the scenes together are just painful. At least there is chemistry with Romano

Yes, this. It shouldn't take this long, the writing was on the wall last season.

Yes, this. It shouldn't take this long, the writing was on the wall last season.

And let's not forget the basic storytelling premise: This is all being told by FUTURE TED to his children! By definition, everything in the show is exaggerated and over-dramatic because TED is overdramatic. Not to mention, this storyline is an emotional one for Marshall, so you can bet that his frustrations on Brad

And let's not forget the basic storytelling premise: This is all being told by FUTURE TED to his children! By definition, everything in the show is exaggerated and over-dramatic because TED is overdramatic. Not to mention, this storyline is an emotional one for Marshall, so you can bet that his frustrations on Brad

Did anyone else get flashes of "Dark Willow" in the closing shot of Lily walking down the street whistling?

Did anyone else get flashes of "Dark Willow" in the closing shot of Lily walking down the street whistling?

Yes, exactly. I was watching with my husband and I said "he's crazy, now they'll just make the deal with skupin & Lisa and call it a day", which is exactly what happened, of course.