
Yes, exactly. I was watching with my husband and I said "he's crazy, now they'll just make the deal with skupin & Lisa and call it a day", which is exactly what happened, of course.

I'm still constantly amused by the fact that Lauren Graham was one of the main reasons I started watching the show, and her character is EASILY the most boring one on the show.  The chemistry with Ray Romano is an improvement, but they are dragging out the John Ritter relationship way too long. I'm starting to not

I'm still constantly amused by the fact that Lauren Graham was one of the main reasons I started watching the show, and her character is EASILY the most boring one on the show.  The chemistry with Ray Romano is an improvement, but they are dragging out the John Ritter relationship way too long. I'm starting to not

They might not be watching it "wrong", but they are definitely poising themselves to be MIGHTY disappointed by, what will inevitably be, an anti-climactic resolution.

They might not be watching it "wrong", but they are definitely poising themselves to be MIGHTY disappointed by, what will inevitably be, an anti-climactic resolution.

That was my interpretation too, but I figured maybe I was just being naive once Todd's review pointed it out. I'm much more interested in seeing Ryan face his war demons than have a drug addiction

That was my interpretation too, but I figured maybe I was just being naive once Todd's review pointed it out. I'm much more interested in seeing Ryan face his war demons than have a drug addiction

Sorry, but I don't buy that Bernadette would willingly move back into Howard's Mother's house just because he once made her feel less lonely. Wasn't she sleeping with someone when Howard went to space?

Sorry, but I don't buy that Bernadette would willingly move back into Howard's Mother's house just because he once made her feel less lonely. Wasn't she sleeping with someone when Howard went to space?

Yes, he said she was the first member of the jury.

Yes, he said she was the first member of the jury.

I wouldn't put it past Jeff to out Lisa's identity during the final tribal council, so that nobody thinks she should get $1 million. (This applies whether he is in the final 3 or a bitter jury member).

I wouldn't put it past Jeff to out Lisa's identity during the final tribal council, so that nobody thinks she should get $1 million. (This applies whether he is in the final 3 or a bitter jury member).

You're not the only one who had that thought!

You're not the only one who had that thought!

I think you're overestimating how much kids actually care about their student governments. They cast their votes, the signs in the hallway come down, and nobody cares for the rest of the year. Most kids, however mean, would probably be like "I like vending machines" and that's the extent of their thoughts on the

I think you're overestimating how much kids actually care about their student governments. They cast their votes, the signs in the hallway come down, and nobody cares for the rest of the year. Most kids, however mean, would probably be like "I like vending machines" and that's the extent of their thoughts on the

Agree completely. Don't lie to her. Threaten her about not paying for college, be mean about it if you have to, but don't lie to her. She'll be pissed off at you for insisting she leave, but she'll get over that a lot more easily than the trust she'll lose over being lied to about something so critical.

Agree completely. Don't lie to her. Threaten her about not paying for college, be mean about it if you have to, but don't lie to her. She'll be pissed off at you for insisting she leave, but she'll get over that a lot more easily than the trust she'll lose over being lied to about something so critical.

I liked how the show addresses that bedside manner is not the only factor in determining who is the right doctor for you. It's a plus (especially if you're emotion-driven), but not a necessity.