
I liked how the show addresses that bedside manner is not the only factor in determining who is the right doctor for you. It's a plus (especially if you're emotion-driven), but not a necessity.

My MIL had a mastectomy about a year ago (due to the sheer size of her tumor), and even though the cancer was not detected elsewhere, they still opted to do chemo & radiation to up her chances of it not returning.  So, I don't think (based on the people I've known) that it's so unusual for chemo to be administered

My MIL had a mastectomy about a year ago (due to the sheer size of her tumor), and even though the cancer was not detected elsewhere, they still opted to do chemo & radiation to up her chances of it not returning.  So, I don't think (based on the people I've known) that it's so unusual for chemo to be administered

This was a better episode:
1) I laughed aloud for several of the gaming exchanges
2) Howard was not nearly as creepy and douchey as he usually is
3) Sheldon didn't spend the while episode being a complete asshole to the other characters

This was a better episode:
1) I laughed aloud for several of the gaming exchanges
2) Howard was not nearly as creepy and douchey as he usually is
3) Sheldon didn't spend the while episode being a complete asshole to the other characters

I guess I may be alone, but I still thought Fabio's collection looked cheap and downright silly.

I guess I may be alone, but I still thought Fabio's collection looked cheap and downright silly.

Yeah, I rolled my eyes and said: "So we're back to square 1" when Miles jumped off the train. Some bits of good tv in here, but everything just DRAGS.

Yeah, I rolled my eyes and said: "So we're back to square 1" when Miles jumped off the train. Some bits of good tv in here, but everything just DRAGS.

They imply that her injury gets infected, which is plausible not be an issue right away.

They imply that her injury gets infected, which is plausible not be an issue right away.

My daughter's middle-of-the-night feedings were accompanied by re-runs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and DVD's of Babylon 5. I'm surprised her first word wasn't "Spike" or "Vorlon" :)

My daughter's middle-of-the-night feedings were accompanied by re-runs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and DVD's of Babylon 5. I'm surprised her first word wasn't "Spike" or "Vorlon" :)

Congrats! I'll enjoy seeing if your posts become more or less coherent when lack of sleep is factored in :-)

Congrats! I'll enjoy seeing if your posts become more or less coherent when lack of sleep is factored in :-)

I don't think you can make an apples-to-apples comparison between two entirely different industries. Particularly comparing a [presumably] high-power law firm with retail for the shoe manufacturer, and being a small-business owner with Crosby at the Luncheonette. Adam didn't exactly get treated too well at the shoe

I don't think you can make an apples-to-apples comparison between two entirely different industries. Particularly comparing a [presumably] high-power law firm with retail for the shoe manufacturer, and being a small-business owner with Crosby at the Luncheonette. Adam didn't exactly get treated too well at the shoe

Oh no, you weren't offensive at all — just trying to point out that the reaction Haddie had — I don't think it really came from a selfish/immature place at all.   If anything, I think it speaks volumes for the character's maturity level that Haddie knew that it was much better to talk to her father than her mother,

Oh no, you weren't offensive at all — just trying to point out that the reaction Haddie had — I don't think it really came from a selfish/immature place at all.   If anything, I think it speaks volumes for the character's maturity level that Haddie knew that it was much better to talk to her father than her mother,

I agree that there is a stigma about parents who CHOOSE to work (something I did), but did that really happen with Kristina? It seemed more like Adam had to pick up some slack and he didn't know how to deal with it.