
Well good for you on losing all that weight! I've never been thin, and gained a ton when I was pregnant, so being a 14 would be AMAZING for me as well. I've long since accepted that I will likely never be in single digit sizes (my hips are not going anywhere) so I'm just shooting for whatever size matches HEALTHY.

I love how he blames the editing. If it were the editing, then why did every designer in the room express visual disgust, and both of your clients cry?

I love how he blames the editing. If it were the editing, then why did every designer in the room express visual disgust, and both of your clients cry?

Sonjia had a misfire for her client's body type and what would be flattering on her — the dress is something I would probably try on with excitement, and then be frustrated because it doesn't work with my body.

Sonjia had a misfire for her client's body type and what would be flattering on her — the dress is something I would probably try on with excitement, and then be frustrated because it doesn't work with my body.

I agree, maybe because I'm not a small woman myself, but Ven's vileness was physically making me uncomfortable while watching. I know what it's like to be at the receiving end of such passive-agressive negativity — where nobody's calling you fat DIRECTLY, but they are implying it with every comment, gesture, sigh,

I agree, maybe because I'm not a small woman myself, but Ven's vileness was physically making me uncomfortable while watching. I know what it's like to be at the receiving end of such passive-agressive negativity — where nobody's calling you fat DIRECTLY, but they are implying it with every comment, gesture, sigh,

Agree on both counts. Maybe Gunnar was extra sensitive after his pre-show auf'ing last season, and was trying to come on extra strong so he wouldn't get an early boot this time.

Agree on both counts. Maybe Gunnar was extra sensitive after his pre-show auf'ing last season, and was trying to come on extra strong so he wouldn't get an early boot this time.

I have a vague recollection of Kirsten Dunst whining a lot to emphasize her "immaturity"….

I have a vague recollection of Kirsten Dunst whining a lot to emphasize her "immaturity"….

I have a vague recollection of Kirsten Dunst whining a lot to emphasize her "immaturity"….

As a child of the 80's, I'm surprised nobody mentioned "Look Who's Talking"

As a child of the 80's, I'm surprised nobody mentioned "Look Who's Talking"

Season 4 is often hailed as weak, but there are some stand-out AMAZING episodes in that season. I think most of the negativity came from people not caring much for Riley, which was really going to be the case for anyone who wasn't Angel.

Season 4 is often hailed as weak, but there are some stand-out AMAZING episodes in that season. I think most of the negativity came from people not caring much for Riley, which was really going to be the case for anyone who wasn't Angel.

It worked, but it did feel somewhat tacked on. It took the second or third viewing for me to truly appreciate it (In addition to having the knowledge of having seen how the 5th season played out)

It worked, but it did feel somewhat tacked on. It took the second or third viewing for me to truly appreciate it (In addition to having the knowledge of having seen how the 5th season played out)

I'm Jewish and not-so-tiny, and I appreciate you too ;)

I'm Jewish and not-so-tiny, and I appreciate you too ;)