
If I understand correctly, Aly's routine had a higher difficulty, and considering both performed their tumbling passes extremely well, it makes sense for Aly to win the gold.  Both had pretty high execution scores, IIRC. And they were both rightly scored WAY higher than poor Jordyn Weiber who had a difficult program,

If I understand correctly, Aly's routine had a higher difficulty, and considering both performed their tumbling passes extremely well, it makes sense for Aly to win the gold.  Both had pretty high execution scores, IIRC. And they were both rightly scored WAY higher than poor Jordyn Weiber who had a difficult program,

Yeah, but he was still a permanent fixture in the main credit sequence, so I just saw that as "he's an extra special acclaimed cast member". "Guest Star" usually means temporary…

Yeah, but he was still a permanent fixture in the main credit sequence, so I just saw that as "he's an extra special acclaimed cast member". "Guest Star" usually means temporary…

I agree generally re: Fanny, but I was far more tolerant of her in this episode than the first set of episodes because I think they're done making her quirky-for-the-sake-of-being-quirky, the odd-couple thing with Michelle, and now the two of them actually have chemistry together.  But I agree that this show is

I agree generally re: Fanny, but I was far more tolerant of her in this episode than the first set of episodes because I think they're done making her quirky-for-the-sake-of-being-quirky, the odd-couple thing with Michelle, and now the two of them actually have chemistry together.  But I agree that this show is

Yes, I agree — I thought this was a stronger episode in general, and the emotional reaction fit. I like that even though Hubbel existed clearly for plot purpose, there is still an impact that is somewhat believable in this world.

Yes, I agree — I thought this was a stronger episode in general, and the emotional reaction fit. I like that even though Hubbel existed clearly for plot purpose, there is still an impact that is somewhat believable in this world.

The gymnastics blogosphere seems to be of the opinion that Gabby was overscored at times (particularly in the qualifying round). For example, Gabby's vault score in the AA, if you remove the deduction for the hop she took, was exactly the same as  McKayla Maroney's score for her perfectly executed vault in the Team

The gymnastics blogosphere seems to be of the opinion that Gabby was overscored at times (particularly in the qualifying round). For example, Gabby's vault score in the AA, if you remove the deduction for the hop she took, was exactly the same as  McKayla Maroney's score for her perfectly executed vault in the Team

I don't think they are sabotaging her as much as trying to get her to realize that 3-4 french fries a week won't kill her. And I say this as someone who has had weight issues all her life, and would love to have Boo's figure ;)

I don't think they are sabotaging her as much as trying to get her to realize that 3-4 french fries a week won't kill her. And I say this as someone who has had weight issues all her life, and would love to have Boo's figure ;)

Yes! I found Truly's eccentricity to be somewhat forced in the first few episodes, but she is clicking with me as a character right now, and I'm finding myself believing & accepting the relationship between here and Michelle.

Yes! I found Truly's eccentricity to be somewhat forced in the first few episodes, but she is clicking with me as a character right now, and I'm finding myself believing & accepting the relationship between here and Michelle.

Don't forget boobs. Ginny has boobs. That is about all I took away from her in the pilot.

@avclub-f54f1ae49ae57fc068483a54906687df:disqus He also taught DADA in Half-Blood prince :)

@avclub-f54f1ae49ae57fc068483a54906687df:disqus He also taught DADA in Half-Blood prince :)

I think really it's just Gunnar that's obsessed —- In the confessionals, Chris keeps trying to be mature and level-headed about it. I think the producers keep asking him about it, and are editing it to look 2-sided when it's really not.

I think really it's just Gunnar that's obsessed —- In the confessionals, Chris keeps trying to be mature and level-headed about it. I think the producers keep asking him about it, and are editing it to look 2-sided when it's really not.

Poor Chris — he's trying to not engage Gunnar and be mature about it.  Which means the producers are cursing his name and working on a way to fix one of the next 3-4 challenges so that they are on a team together… I loved Ven's dress.  I find it funny that this week's entry was MUCH more flattering to a woman's body