
Poor Chris — he's trying to not engage Gunnar and be mature about it.  Which means the producers are cursing his name and working on a way to fix one of the next 3-4 challenges so that they are on a team together… I loved Ven's dress.  I find it funny that this week's entry was MUCH more flattering to a woman's body

Yeah I thought hte same thing…Buffi's was bad, but Andrea's dot dress was WAAAAY worse. I was going to also agree on the fabric thing, but didn't Andrea also use a random bunching of fabric in the back? At least Buffi's resembled real clothes…

Yeah I thought hte same thing…Buffi's was bad, but Andrea's dot dress was WAAAAY worse. I was going to also agree on the fabric thing, but didn't Andrea also use a random bunching of fabric in the back? At least Buffi's resembled real clothes…

I don't even REMOTELY like his designs, but he is an enjoyable presence on the show. I'd much rather watch him make something kooky than watch Chris & Gunnar shoot daggers at each other for an entire episode…

I don't even REMOTELY like his designs, but he is an enjoyable presence on the show. I'd much rather watch him make something kooky than watch Chris & Gunnar shoot daggers at each other for an entire episode…

I agree — but the preview for next week looks to focus on the classroom…

I agree — but the preview for next week looks to focus on the classroom…

My husband has one, he likes to draw on it during his commute. He has no major complaints :-P

My husband has one, he likes to draw on it during his commute. He has no major complaints :-P

Okay, so the line about the owl triggered one of those laughing fits where you can't stop laughing long enough to explain it to your poor confused husband sitting nearby. I had too dig up the original bird challenge recap to do it justice :-)

Okay, so the line about the owl triggered one of those laughing fits where you can't stop laughing long enough to explain it to your poor confused husband sitting nearby. I had too dig up the original bird challenge recap to do it justice :-)

I have a soft spot for "My Girl", one of the only movies to make me cry like a baby

I have a soft spot for "My Girl", one of the only movies to make me cry like a baby

I have a memory of sitting in the room with sheets of paper with numbers printed on them, the accented numbers in large/bold print. We were speaking (or yelling…) the rhythms like follows:
"one TWO / one TWO three / one TWO THREE FOUR".   We were far from perfect, but I was proud of what we pulled off, as a somewhat

I have a memory of sitting in the room with sheets of paper with numbers printed on them, the accented numbers in large/bold print. We were speaking (or yelling…) the rhythms like follows:
"one TWO / one TWO three / one TWO THREE FOUR".   We were far from perfect, but I was proud of what we pulled off, as a somewhat

LOL, true, nobody rioted in this version. I played Rite of Spring with my college orchestra, easily the most challenging ensemble piece I've ever experienced. I think "odder" is clouded by my specific experience playing it. We had sectionals just working out the rhythms, particularly for the sacrifice dance at the

LOL, true, nobody rioted in this version. I played Rite of Spring with my college orchestra, easily the most challenging ensemble piece I've ever experienced. I think "odder" is clouded by my specific experience playing it. We had sectionals just working out the rhythms, particularly for the sacrifice dance at the

Being a classical music geek, I got a small kick out of the ballet music being of the odder sections of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring.

Being a classical music geek, I got a small kick out of the ballet music being of the odder sections of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring.

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus These recaps have inspired a re-watch on my part, I'll have to see if I feel the same way. But I think there is just too large a quantity of one-off episodes in Season 1 to convince me.