
Nipples. On the Bat Suit. I can't un-see it….

I always liked Hook. As cheesy as it was, it was creative.  It was the last movie I remember seeing with my entire family (parents & sister). My mom fell asleep and woke up during the baseball scene and was VERY confused

I always liked Hook. As cheesy as it was, it was creative.  It was the last movie I remember seeing with my entire family (parents & sister). My mom fell asleep and woke up during the baseball scene and was VERY confused

What’s your gender and age?  female, 30
Did you watch the original show? Yes
If so, did you watch it as it aired week by week, or in bulk as the whole series came out, or something in between?  Bulk as a series a year or 2 ago 
If you watched week by week, did you regularly discuss it at length with anyone?  N/A, but I

What’s your gender and age?  female, 30
Did you watch the original show? Yes
If so, did you watch it as it aired week by week, or in bulk as the whole series came out, or something in between?  Bulk as a series a year or 2 ago 
If you watched week by week, did you regularly discuss it at length with anyone?  N/A, but I

*mild spoilers*

*mild spoilers*

I'm assuming Sasha will be taking the cliched path of the girl with the perfect body & natural talent who discovers she doesn't love dancing as much as it's always been her plan to be a dancer. I can forgive that, though, if they keep up with the snappy writing, which is responsible for allowing me to forgive the

I'm assuming Sasha will be taking the cliched path of the girl with the perfect body & natural talent who discovers she doesn't love dancing as much as it's always been her plan to be a dancer. I can forgive that, though, if they keep up with the snappy writing, which is responsible for allowing me to forgive the

Kirk/Taylor suffered from what I like to call Homer Simpson Syndrome — you have a character that is goofy/silly/crazy (but to a believable level). However, as the series goes on, they run out of ways to depict the character's goofiness in clever ways, so the behavior becomes increasingly erratic, outrageous, and

Kirk/Taylor suffered from what I like to call Homer Simpson Syndrome — you have a character that is goofy/silly/crazy (but to a believable level). However, as the series goes on, they run out of ways to depict the character's goofiness in clever ways, so the behavior becomes increasingly erratic, outrageous, and

It's funny, I saw his name in the credits, but I TOTALLY didn't recognize him either. Definitely the surfer-hair…

It's funny, I saw his name in the credits, but I TOTALLY didn't recognize him either. Definitely the surfer-hair…

The character is also extremely out of her element — when she becomes more of a mainstay in the town, I think the energy level will pick up.  The scene in the pilot with the "fake audition" for the ballet kids was evidence enough, IMO :)

The character is also extremely out of her element — when she becomes more of a mainstay in the town, I think the energy level will pick up.  The scene in the pilot with the "fake audition" for the ballet kids was evidence enough, IMO :)

I agree with you, @olivececile:disqus , but unfortunately the base of people who know and love a show's creative team & cast is ALONE not enough to make a show a success. Just ask Joss Whedon and the cast/crew of "Firefly".  You gotta be able to pull in new people, and that's where the marketing (including the title)

I agree with you, @olivececile:disqus , but unfortunately the base of people who know and love a show's creative team & cast is ALONE not enough to make a show a success. Just ask Joss Whedon and the cast/crew of "Firefly".  You gotta be able to pull in new people, and that's where the marketing (including the title)

Well it's real until proven otherwise, so it could still work as long as the reveal doesn't come immediately. There's still a lot of inconsistencies with the Avatar World as we know it that haven't been explained, including the difference between Amon/Aang's flavor of bending-removal (since we're not sure it *is*

Well it's real until proven otherwise, so it could still work as long as the reveal doesn't come immediately. There's still a lot of inconsistencies with the Avatar World as we know it that haven't been explained, including the difference between Amon/Aang's flavor of bending-removal (since we're not sure it *is*

@avclub-77a30f3aed77aef3d4ed12bf43df6964:disqus I hope you're right, that's my biggest fear. But I was already pleasantly suprised that she didn't turn out to be evil just 'cause Mako was in a relationship with her.