
@avclub-77a30f3aed77aef3d4ed12bf43df6964:disqus I hope you're right, that's my biggest fear. But I was already pleasantly suprised that she didn't turn out to be evil just 'cause Mako was in a relationship with her.

@avclub-78b6e39336f2cc0745a2944f919541a4:disqus I had the same theory, which didn't totally take shape UNTIL Beifong got her bending removed.

@avclub-78b6e39336f2cc0745a2944f919541a4:disqus I had the same theory, which didn't totally take shape UNTIL Beifong got her bending removed.

I haven't read all 862 comments yet, so forgive me if this has already been proposed as a theory, but when Beifong had her bending taken away, as tragic as that was, it got me thinking that if Aang as an Avatar can take AWAY bending, why can't an Avatar also GRANT bending? I have a feeling that Beifong's bending

I haven't read all 862 comments yet, so forgive me if this has already been proposed as a theory, but when Beifong had her bending taken away, as tragic as that was, it got me thinking that if Aang as an Avatar can take AWAY bending, why can't an Avatar also GRANT bending? I have a feeling that Beifong's bending

@avclub-01e8318c286a584caffbb596a95652d2:disqus I know what you mean —- it's been a while since I re-watched, but as much as I enjoyed Delenn as a character, I remember feeling like they'd just invent new Minbari customs just so that she could get all spiritual & solve the episode's problem.  The episode coming to

@avclub-01e8318c286a584caffbb596a95652d2:disqus I know what you mean —- it's been a while since I re-watched, but as much as I enjoyed Delenn as a character, I remember feeling like they'd just invent new Minbari customs just so that she could get all spiritual & solve the episode's problem.  The episode coming to

I disagree — I don't think you can blame the lonesomeness of space for the development of an entire BREED essentially of mutant-human monsters.

I disagree — I don't think you can blame the lonesomeness of space for the development of an entire BREED essentially of mutant-human monsters.

I agree, he wasn't a terribly interesting character, but I wish it hadn't ended for him the way it did.

I agree, he wasn't a terribly interesting character, but I wish it hadn't ended for him the way it did.

The title character being played by an actress who guest starred on Gilmore Girls ;)

The title character being played by an actress who guest starred on Gilmore Girls ;)

There was no 7th season of Gilmore Girls *waves hand*

There was no 7th season of Gilmore Girls *waves hand*

I think it works because Hubbel is not the prince charming "true love" figure, but he becomes more of this guardian angel character that got her out of her rut and set her life in motion towards positive things (e.g. making a difference in the lives of these girls, whether they are destined for professional success or

What floors me about the Anything Goes performance is that back in the 80's when Patti Lupone played Reno, the choreography was arranged so that she didn't have to dance too much. Sutton leads the vocals on the song, does the COMPLETE dance with the rest of the cast, takes a brief 16 bar break and NAILS that

What floors me about the Anything Goes performance is that back in the 80's when Patti Lupone played Reno, the choreography was arranged so that she didn't have to dance too much. Sutton leads the vocals on the song, does the COMPLETE dance with the rest of the cast, takes a brief 16 bar break and NAILS that

To those who need evidence of Sutton Foster's amazing broadway stage presence, I present these clips:

To those who need evidence of Sutton Foster's amazing broadway stage presence, I present these clips: