
But do you have ANY doubt whatsoever that Christina would have gone along with such a horrible plan too? ;-)

They definitely talk at Ponderosa, but the big difference its that there its no chance of winning anymore, so there is no reason to really care how someone else votes. I guess if someone is really bitter, they may try to convince fellow jury members to vote a certain way, but I'd imagine most people just vote the way

Naw, I disagree. Tarzan didn't try to answer any questions in Jeopardy. Christina answered many questions incorrectly. Tarzan does better than Christina, but has no chance of winning. Christina seems perfectly nice, but I can't stand how badly she's playing the game. Tarzan laying low the whole time isn't smart, but

I'd just like to say, in my unofficial experiment (with a sample size of 3) it has been FAR more entertaining to read the recap of Glee than to actually watch the episode.  Thanks, Todd, for watching the show so I don't have to ;)

Yep, I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative.  Very much pro-gay-marriage.  In terms of abortion, I'm pro-choice because it's never black and white (needs to remain legal), but I do wish that we did more to encourage life. I think people should be able to have a gun in their home for their own protection, but

So, in the real world, we're going from dramatic-town-election, to "I was framed" murder trial, to adopted vs. birth mother custody fight? Ugh.  I really do enjoy this show, but I'm with Oliver, something better friggin HAPPEN SOON! :P

I agree, nothing made me outwardly wince in pain.  The bar has been set by "It's what makes me… GRUMPY"

My Spidey senses were tingling that it was a bit TOO obvious, but I was more ready to believe that the show thought the audience was dumb, than that it was setting us up for the fake-out.  Well played, show, well played…

That's how I interpretted it… by the time they made that call, they figured it was too late.

I don't mind a non-elimination leg… once. But by this point in the race, I was kinda like "REALLY?" It reeked of producer intervention so that they could milk the money situation for one more round.  The only problem with the marathon legs is that, unless there is a flight in between or some other kind of

My husband was like "Wow, what a jerk" when he said that, but I responded "Well, in the case of Rachel, he's not wrong.."

Dear show:  Please find another way to create faux suspense besides "Will he or won't he puke on the bus?". That went on WAY too much, and I almost wanted to puke…

Nope, I was a late-comer.  I should have known better ;)

No, not weird at all… *sniffle*

I didn't hate it, but the "conveniences" of plot to make the story fall into place just felt very forced.  I think the episode tried too hard.  It was okay.

** spoiler **

Yes, because HP7 had a lot of action in the first half.  Not much really "happens" in the first half of Mockingjay, and what does is in a few spurts. They could easily edit down the first half and..
*spoiler*…the invasion of the capitol & the resolution on could easily be the 2nd half of the movie.

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus You have clearly put in far more thought than I have. You should audition ;)

Yeah, exactly — Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali didn't exactly have to get their opponent(s) to LIKE them ;-)  I think picking fights with/in-front-of the main 4 was his biggest mistake.  He was frustrated and understandably angry, but he came off as just a sore loser throwing a tantrum.  I think he also would have

Agree completely — it's classic, doesn't' feel gimmicky like the past few seasons have felt.