
I get why Troyzan was pissed, and why he didn't want to be all "ho hum" and pretend nothing bad just went down, but I just wanted to grab him by the shoulders and say "Dude, remember, as much as these peopled F'ed you over, you still need them to vote you the winner in the end".  Sure, "Take it like a man" is

* hunger games spoilers * 
Yeah, that was the most predictable part of the Hunger Games. I assumed that the main character would never be portrayed as actively instigating a kill, and for the most part, she never is.  And similarly, they found a clever way to get around her slaughtering the last contestant, which fell

Yes, this exactly.

I don't disagree with anything you wrote, but as a viewer it still felt too out of left field. If they had dropped some 'seeds" of this possible solution earlier. Perhaps they could have eluded to the concept of energy-bending, with maybe Aang being the first one to actually apply it as a DEFENSIVE measure. I found

That's how I interpreted it. Like they look to make a running gag out of it, at BEST.

She was in an episode of "Once Upon a Time" as well, playing an adorkable/clumsy fairy.

If someone was going to make it, Joss should have been the one to adapt "Avatar: The Last Airbender".  It could have been good… maybe

I chalk some of this up to the fact that I was taking care of a newborn for a big chunk of season 2, but I enjoyed the first season more.  I felt like the characters of Echo & the cop (I can't even remember his name) lost focus and weren't as believable.  In fact, I've forgotten a LARGE portion of what went down in

@avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus Serenity represents exactly what Firefly would have fleshed out into over the next few seasons had it continued. It makes it all the more sad, doesn't it?

Heroes was pretty solid and entertaining in its first season. Even the 2nd season had some good stuff (Loved the Adam Monroe character), but suffered from awful pacing (Too many characters = too many episodes with not enough happening).

But alas, when they are transformed back into humans, Chip transforms into a little kid (I'd say probably younger than 8… more like 5 or 6). So at the very best we're talking about a 15-18 year old teenager in a 5-8 year old boy's body.  Ick factor still present :P

I was hoping that Lily's sex dream was about Sandy Rivers. It would have been funny and had the extra irony of it being the actress' actual baby daddy ;)

I dunno, I don't have much love for any of the teams left really, but it's the "I'm the poor helpless victim being on a race that I CHOSE to run for my 15 minutes of fame and a million dollars" that just makes her lose any sympathy I might have otherwise had for Vanessa going all "Mean Girl" on her and making a joke

The simplicity and basic nature of the tasks were fine, I just wish there was SOME aspect of it that had potential for a team to mess up.  There was no suspense, each team pretty much left the tasks in the order in which they arrived. The biggest suspense they could muster up was Rachel knocking over her water, and

Me too, those scenes captured in high-def were beautiful. I had the same thought, it made me want to go to Tanzania.  Marketing GENIUS if you ask me… ;)

I got a sense that the overreaction was really more bitterness over being out-raced several weeks in a row.  They thought they were in 1st place, and then all the sudden they realized they were in 3rd place.  It was probably easier to be mad at Rachel/Dave for not doing a U-Turn than acknowledge that they haven't been

re: Big Brother Rachel:  Being whiny/immature is one thing.  I can deal with that. I'm a mother to a 2 year old, I've learned to kind of tune out whining to a degree. But she is the worst of the worst to me — someone who picks fights with people for NO reason (seemingly to make herself feel important/relevant?) and

Yes, but you're still ahead of whomever else is U-Turned after you (assuming someone else is).  If anything it would at least create some suspense in genuinely not knowing if you are in last or not.

*** spoilers ***
@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus  I think what this season was missing for me was any sense of hope that things were going to get better. Especially from "A Whole in the World" on. It was dramatic and emotional, yes, and I respect the hell out of the storytelling, but it just didn't do

I'm kinda with you in that, overall, I wasn't as enamored with season 5 as most people.  But i think this is mostly because of the stand-alone episodes, the lack of feeling like the writers really knew where they were going, and  *****SPOILERS ****** what happened to Fred.  I couldn't forgive Joss for that one, ugh…