
Yeah, I always thought of it as "See, I'm still hot" after pregnancy was not so kind to her during the filming of season 4 (And as someone who bloated up ALL over during pregnancy, I sympathize completely).  If I had her slammin' post pregnancy body, I'd be showing it off too :)

Did Ethan show up in the comics or anything? I only read a few issues, but I feel like someone told me he did…

K. Thrace:  I think the beauty of using Andrew for this, writing-wise, is that it further emasculates Angel with the "heroes". I mean, not only does Buffy & Co. no longer trust him, but Andrew, friggin ANDREW has more clout than him now.

I was suprised how much I actually liked Pylea, it seemed gimmicky at the time, but I got invested. I thought Cordelia was hilarious in those epsiodes :)

Remember Pylea? Those were the days…

That is exactly how I feel when I watch the early morning Angel re-runs on TNT, and I see an early S1-S3 episode. I much preferred snarky, superficial-but-not-without-heart Coredelia.  Honestly, looking back, I think the character started to go downhill in the middle of season 3, when she sort of took it upon herself

I think you've picked up on the fact that both of these episodes serve as a kind of a wake-up call to Angel. After (presumably) half-a-year at W&H, what has he accomplished? What exactly is he TRYING To accomplish in the first place?  Is the goal to help those in need or defeat evil from within? They aren't

Yep, this is why I stopped watching.  I enjoyed the first season because, despite the ridiculous story, it was just FUN.  Now it's just so heavy-handed and preachy, the characters are just so damn unlikable, and even the promise of boisterous musical numbers can't make that palatable to me anymore. I can accept flawed

I'm a social liberal, fiscal conservative. The jabs in shows like Glee were starting to put me off (e.g, all conservatives are homophobic bigots, any character that serves a villianous purpose is a Republican, etc), but I found the newspaper gags playful, the Dean one made me laugh aloud. And for the record, I was not

I realize that I replied to you, but my comments weren't really directed at you specifically. I just found the absolute HATRED people have towards this movie almost as interesting a phenomenon as the teenage obsession back in 1997 :)

Wow, you're probably right… ick.

I can get people not being in love with the movie (no arguments from me on the pain I feel over the "romantic" dialog), but I don't get the HATE. When it first came out, it was well-reviewed and well-regarded.  Cheesy love story, sure, but there were far worse out there, and it could be mostly forgiven as being the

In real life, I wouldn't be able to STAND someone like Vanessa, the kind of person who makes smart-ass comments with a smirk on their face. But I'd be completely lying if I didn't say how much I thoroughly enjoyed her smacking down Rachel. I particularly enjoyed "How could I run into you, you were BEHIND me" — who

Everyone else seemed to be sitting on their bikes, at least for the ride OUT which looked to be mostly downhill. I was curious why Vanessa was the only one having that problem — were the bikes customized to each individual racer, and she got the wrong one or something?


I was ambivalent on "Harm's Way" (I liked "Disharmony" from Season 2 better, especially with Cordelia presuming Harmony was a "Big Lesbo!" and the awkward conversation with Willow), but it DID have a chop-stick vampire fight. :)

I didn't get an MS even because I didn't need one to get a good job as a software engineer after I proved myself in college & in my internships. Higher education is wonderful, but not the only true measure of self-worth in a given profession. Especially something skill-based, such as certain areas of

Mayim Bialik wrote a book and was touring the country to promote it — I believe she said on her facebook/twitter feed that she missed 2 episodes and will be back.

Mayim Bialik wrote a book about attachment parenting, and was off touring the country for that during the filming of the last two episodes. She'll be back next week, I believe.

@jerodast:disqus I can't speak for others, but in my case, it's not that I can't get on board with they way they wrote it, it just feels cheap compared to how meaty it could have been with a more nuanced approach.