
@avclub-590f7bd832868874879231f9104bb574:disqus Yep, that's exactly what we said too. She's not in any of the other flashbacks, so it's a given that Regina gets rid of her at some point.

Yeah, I was predicting him dying to save her or something, which would lead to, at least, an understandable resentment for Snow's existence. This combined with "fairer than you" in traditional fairy-tale land could have at least been an understandable obsession to drive the story.  But by giving the mother such an

I may be wrong, but the bug was broken in half, no?

Jury brownie points maybe?

This. YES.  I know it's fiction, but the subject matter is children being forced by a totalitarian regime to kill each other. It's a lot of things, but not supposed to be funny or a "jolly good time"

Lord of the Rings had an advantage because a significant part of the movie fan base had never read the books (nor had the patience/interest in doing so), and even among those who DID read the books, an even smaller minority read it closely enough and frequently enough to really have strong opinions on what they kept

I think they did more right than wrong with the Hunger Games. The problem is, short of a cheesy voice-over, you weren't going to be able to get into Katniss' head during the actual games.  They were able to get around this sometimes by utilizing the "media" coverage of the games (e.g. explaining the threat of the

Ooooh I didn't know he was in Next to Normal. I have been broadway schooled ;)

Based on the producer comment, I'm anticipating he backstabs Eileen, gets in over his head, and realizes he has no clue what he's doing… Hilarity ensues…

Yes! Her best lines are questioning why the hell he's in the room

They were probably looking for a reason to have Frank sing since the first episode. Brian D'Arcy James is probably best known for playing "Shrek" in "Shrek the Musical".

I really hope she smacks down Rachel..  who surprisingly enough did NOT cry this episode.

I have a BS in CS, and I scored a pretty solid job right out of college in a crappy technical economy (2003). But I had solid grades, an internship, etc.   My husband [then boyfriend] had mediocre grades because he slacked off the first 2 years, and despite kicking ass the last 2, his GPA had paid the price. For him,

Did Mondo make the same dress AGAIN?  (Although the Rorschach print was pretty awesome)

I was cringing a lot..  I give Christina a lot of credit for holding it together. I wouldn't have been able to, which is part of why I was such an easy target in middle school ;-)

Nope, suburban NYC — but I appreciate the apology ;-)

The senseless cruelty of the treatment of Christina by Colton & Alicia made me physically uncomfortable. Brought back memories of my childhood. There was nothing strategically to gain by it, it was just heartless and hurtful.

I'm pretty sure that is my favorite episode of the series. Consistent, laugh-aloud moments and a funny reveal

I think the show is setting us up to BELIEVE that Barney will be marrying Quinn, and then pull the surprise "reveal" that it's Robin. The whole season has been about the conflicted/denial feelings between Barney & Robin (Nora, Kevin, now Quinn…). Unless that is what the show WANTS me to think and then maybe it IS

Dude, good eye. Neat! :-)