
I was not a fan either, it just felt like an hour-long distraction from the main plot/arc. I just didn't care…

Yep. I immediately said to my husband "That is winner or loser edit, right there". And since the fed agents / teachers did not have ANY camera time, I figured it was a given who was going to win that battle.

Yeah, I tend to agree — the domino effect of her entire support team abandoning her one at a time left her paranoid.  Crazy + paranoid = Meltdown

Ah, OK — i thought there was only 1 FF per season. That makes more sense :)

Gotcha. Thanks!

Yes, I was guessing granny. She was too "In the know"

But on a few occaisions, he kinda just accepted it and said "Alright, I'm sorry" or "Okay, let's call a truce" even though he didn't really do anything, and she STILL yelled/whined at him.

The more non-elimination legs when Rachel/Dave do not come in last, the more likely it is that it will be an elimination leg when Rachel/Dave DO come in last.  If there is a God, that will be sooner rather than later…

How exactly can you "save" a FF? Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're suggesting?

So I've only been watching The Amazing Race for a few seasons, but what exactly determines whether a team will go to a travel agency vs. going directly to the airport?  There didn't seem to be much of a rhyme or reason to it normally, but this time, it seemed like it was the ONLY option. Was it because of the time of

The resolution of Connor's character was satisfying, and consistent with Angel's character, while allowing them to hit the metaphorical reset button.

I disagree. I blame the writing first, the directing second. I mostly feel bad for this kits, but there b becomes a point when you realize that life goes on. Get some therapy, go to school (if you want) and get a job. It's been almost 13 years!

I love how Tom and Julia can just be professionals & friends — you never have to worry about them having "feelings" for each other. I like their scenes together.

She *is* being a completely bitch, but for understandable reasons, so I like her character. I think it's a testament to Megan Hilty's acting because I GENUINELY want to slap her across the face for the sarcastic passive-aggressive giggles.

I was going to disagree with you, and then I remembered the little Dimaggio actor-guy's song to Julia.

Based on what I personally enjoy, I agree with you completely! But would they risk turning into Glee, where it's all about the big flashy musical productions, and plot comes secondary and gets ever more ridiculous in order to justify the music?  I kinda like that there's a clear narrative here.

Agree completely! My fascination in this show is the makings of a broadway show, not the dramatic antics of the writers, producers, stars, etc. That's not to say the characters shouldn't be interesting and have interesting lives, but it's all about the creation of a show. I love watching the rehearsals, I wonder how

Then I better pray she is eliminated soon! LOL

I never watched big brother, but I REALLY don't think I can take another episode of Rachel. I mean, she whined and got hysterical because they didn't make the first plane! I'm seriously not sure I can stomach her.

Amy Acker needs to be on TV more. That is all.