
Kenley couldn't take criticism in her first run — she'd argue with Tim Gunn, which aside from the rudeness, you can kinda say "Alright, we'll you're allowed to ignore your mentor's advice". But then she'd BITTERLY argue with the judges — it was beyond obnoxious.


Hate Hate HATE that episode.  It was trying so hard to be funny, but it just wasn't…

No — Colton actually did vote for Matt. Based on the editing, he did see the reasoning behind voting Matt off, but still was kinda gunning for Bill anyways.  We were trying to figure out who was the Bill vote, but we didn't catch it in the credits.  Maybe this is  part of why everyone is fighting in next week's

Yes! This!

I think Sabrina will be the first "strong" one to be eliminated when they start eating their own. I like her, and also Monica on the girls side. Alicia will probably make out until the final 6 or so, but despite what she thinks, she is no Parvati, and lacks charm. (She has the attitude in spades)

(this was supposed to be a reply to the comment on long island being "that bad" - love ya, disqus..)

I lived there for 2 years. And I lived in Suffolk county. Aside from the traffic &.expensive home prices, I thought it was a decent place to live: easy access to both NYC and great beaches. But then again, I only lived there for 2 years. I find nearly everyone I know who grew up on Long Island *hated* it.

(duplicate… sorry) — Disqus, you're starting to annoy me!

Doesn't Ted still have that dilapidated house he bought? It's in Manhattan, right? I assumed he went there, am I the only one that thought of that?

Yes, ivy made a stink about finally seeing his place

I think the first 4 episodes of SMASH have been far better than the first season of Glee, but I'm a huge Broadway Geek, and any glimse into that world, however contrived, puts me in a happy place :-)

I love how the show touches not only on Ivy not knowing how to be a star, but also Karen not knowing how *not* to be a star. It’s refreshing that this show is not over simplifying this and portraying both girls like they have nothing to learn. That there is hard work involved/required. (Ahem… Glee)

I loved how Mondo incorporated the green and yellow… it was creative, clearly referencing the flag without being too literal… and looked fashionable.

Whenever I question actor vs. writing/directing, I think of the Natalie Portman in the Star Wars Prequels. You'd think she's a horrible actress too, wouldn't you?  Based on what I've heard about some of his other films, even Hayden Christianson has acting chops….

LOL! Too true. I think the worst offender of this was Star Wars Episode III. You have Natalie Portman, who has maybe a 10 inch waist, looking barely 7 months pregnant (with a single child) who gives birth to two big & pudgy chunky babies. Cracks me up.

I love this show, and I love Lauren Graham, but is Sarah not the most uninteresting character on the show? And this includes Drew…

I don't think any depression is "ordinary".  People who are gay may have extra reasons that straight people don't, but it's really a collective sum of a lot of things, including genetics, personality, environment, experiences, etc.

You know, I noticed that the last time particularly, but I didn't think metaphorically about it. I thought "Does that mean she's going to run back in again for one more line/kiss?"  Neat observation…

Totally agree with you on everything!