
Me too! I was convinced it was going to be a fake/planted tape. Marshall and Lily seemed WAY too relaxed about the whole thing

Naw, I agree with Donna, I think they are finally putting a resolution on Ted/Robin, and they did it in a satisfying way. Like I said above, we know from the "I Love you" prologue that Ted is not going to have any more serious relationships that go sour [so no more Zoey's, thankfully].

I thought it was just a "It's not over until it's over" moment. :)

This episode played in nicely with the Victoria episode, where she pointed out that the codependency with Robin is the biggest hindrance to Ted finding the true love of his life.  I kinda like how this season has been about characters growing up, and trying to be real about their futures.  
Also, based on the comment

Yes! That was it!

Exactly. Russell had a lot of the components of the game figured out to a T — but he willfully ignored the part of the game where people still have to like (or at least respect you) enough to award you the win.  So he wasn't dumb, just in denial, I think.

You're right, it's crazy hard, but they didn't seem like they had ANY clue where to start…

You know, I was kind of expecting the tribes to pretend to be completely cordial with one another at camp, living together, sharing everything — kinda how it is whenever the tribes first merge — "happy family" on the outside, scheming on the inside. I was kinda surprised how petty they were getting with one another so

I'm just tired of the caricatures & stereotypes they keep beating me over the head with.  Not every religious person is intolerant of others, not every conservative-leaning person is a redneck racist.  I feel like the whole "will they accept me as gay?" thing has been done, and done to death. It's stopped feeling

Is it sexual harassment if it is consensual? I'm talking strictly legal.  There's a lot relationships & nepotism in the company where I work, but none of it is illegal. Pisses me off sometimes though…

Yes, this is my vote…

I think that's what they are heading towards actually based on the preview — they get the baby, no problem, but Zoe disappears. I'm not sure it's so easy to just run out of a hospital with a baby these days.

Okay, I feel like I might have missed this — but is the Bob Little character supposed to be married?  If he's not, I get the sketchiness of a relationship with ones boss, but it doesn't seem like it should be THAT big of a deal — it happens all the time in the real world.  She's over 18, so they are both consenting

I think that is exactly it — the inexperience is supposed to matter, so in fact,maybe McPhee is more brilliant than we give her credit for ;)

Yes, I thought Cell Block Tango too!  I'm enjoying the show a lot. The extent of my real-life production experience was Summer Theater programs in high school (I played in the pit orchestra), but I miss it like crazy (even 10+ years later), so this is filling some of that void :P

I dug up my playbill — she *was* my first Glinda :-D

P.S. Does anyone else remember a very… strange HBO movie called "Norma Jean and Marilyn"? I have vague memories of seeing bits and pieces of this when I was in junior high or high school, and remember thinking it was very strange… perhaps this is the direction they'll go in order to keep both leading ladies in main

I'm loving this show overall so far, but I'm a theater geek so I'm just eating this all up. Completely agree, I can do without the adoption drama, and the relationship "late for the dinner" drama, but this is the stuff I love. Even if it's presented in fiction, I've always been fascinated by "behind the scenes"

I just got around to watching this. Out reminded me of the season 1 episode when Chase was being questioned for malpractice, but I thought the intensity worked… Until the stabbing happened, I was anxiously watching, waiting….. But after t they saved Chases's life, the tension was gone for all the aforementioned

I always found Kenley's remarks mostly harmless because she's so blissfully oblivious, but that line was SO mean! I wanted to smack her! Too bad Austin was [probably] too nice to respond.  Because if he did, that SOOO would have been in the confessional [unless they are saving that for next week.. hmmm]