
The shirt reminded me of the early episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when someone was stitching together an undead "girl" for some zombie football player.  It was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. But the rest of it was perfectly nice, and it was not nearly as awful as Austin's Betty White ensemble (I love you Austin, but yikes)

LOL, amazing how parenthood changes your perception of everything…


I think it's clear that Mondo's would NOT have been in the bottom 3 if it was a non head-to-head competition round. I think all he heard was that he was the "loser", and took it to mean that they "hated it". I don't think they did hate it, they just liked Kenley's that much better, especially after seeing something

Sheldon: "Sarcasm?"

Loved that same line from Penny! Highlight of the episode, and it wouldn't have been as good if not for the delivery.

I had no clue who Dawes was. But I liked the episode :)

This episode tried WAYYYY too hard. Did enjoy the "Galaxy Quest" reference though!

Maybe Sheldon would be even MORE annoying if he was locked out?

Yes, he was holding a beer. It would be nice if they resolved that already… it's not funny anymore!

Wow, I had the complete opposite reaction. I found the whole Sheldon/Leonard thing uninspired, unoriginal, and boring - whereas this was probably one of the first episodes where I didn't want to throw Howard out a window [I am tired of the "Howard is a horny bastard" jokes]. My SINGLE laugh-aloud moment in the entire

I'm in the minority that I thought Season 5 was a bit hit or miss, but when it hit, it knocked it out of the park. And things/casting that I thought might be gimmicky, were done strangely well.  Again, credit to Whedon & co. for recognizing when to shake up the core concept in an exciting way.

Am I mixing it up with the producers of Lost? If so, I apologize. But whoever I'm dragging in, I'm dragging in for a good reason —- against all odds I'm still hooked on this show :)

I don't want to say too much more since I don't know how much you do or don't know.  But for all the flaws of Season 4, and there are many, there are some really good stand-out episodes.

Ha, exactly right! I always laugh when people expect realism in a show that's clearly fantasy.

My problem with Regina is not the actress, it's the lack of anything interesting the character gets to do/say.  It's like blaming Natalie Portman for the dialog in Star Wars Episode III….

Trust me the problems with Angel Season 4 have NOTHING to do with Fred and everything to do with Connor's existence and

It's funny because I felt the same way about Heroes Season 2 when I was watching - the pacing was HORRIBLY slow, but it had an exciting climax, which I found satisfying at the time.
But before Season 3, I re-watched Season 2, and despite the pacing issues, it was MUCH better on DVD, because if felt less drawn-out

Dear "Once Upon a Time" writers… are you seriously trying to rival George Lucas as the WORST creators of dialog in the history of ever? The only thing more hilariously bad than the line "I need my pain. It makes me who I am. It makes me…. Grumpy." was the actor *playing* Grumpy delivering it with a straight face. I am

Who would play out a dream scenario that ends badly? Easy.. a geek with low self-confidence and low expectations :P