
I thought this episode was one of the worst of the season.. neither of the plot lines were funny. But worst of all… both seemed to THINK they were..

You're making me remember a day when the Simpsons didn't suck… *pout*

I was originally going to say "No, I think he subconsciously knows, but not really", but the more I think about it, the more I think your idea could be very exciting if it plays out that way.  This was the first episode *I* noticed, where Mr. Gold REALLY got his hands dirty in an unambiguously sinister way.

Ludi — that was the same thing with me. We watched the first few episodes of Fringe, thought "meh", stopped watching, and then heard a few years later how good it got.  Maybe someday… :P

I think you are spot-on.   The entire focus on the first 10+ episodes has been:
1) Learn about the characters and why they act the way they do, their histories, etc.
2) Find contrived reasons for Emma to stay and become a permanent fixture in the town.

All of these criticisms are 100% valid,  But it's like Glee (At least in season 1). I recognize all the flaws, but it's still a solid hour of thoroughly entertaining television!  I'm looking forward to watching how it all plays out

I am relatively new to AVClub, but your reviews consistently make me laugh aloud. You have MIGHTY big Snarky Shoes to fill… :-)

I think it's a little of both, personally ;)

I agree there is no chemistry with Kevin, but I think his role is to finally spell out to these guys what some of their issues are. The stuff with Victoria was pretty dramatic [not to mention spot-on about their co-dependency], and I think Kevin will help Robin (and maybe even Barney/Ted) come to terms with some of

Does the "Touch" thing make anyone else think of the Nicholas Cage movie "Knowing?" That movie annoyed me and strangely enough gave me repeated nightmares about its ending.

I disagree, Peter —- did he have ANY shot staying with the Savaii tribe? They would have voted him off in a second, he wouldn't have been able to convince ANYONE to switch there.  He had a better chance flipping to Upolu, trying to crack that alliance, and hoping that someone like Dawn would forgive him and respect

But on the flip side, I've never seen any tribe treat someone as so much of a high-school outcast as the way these people treated Cochran. They talked down to him and got ridiculously and irrationally angry when he developed a spine of his own and didn't "stay in line" with their plans for him. It's like the popular

Did anyone find it ironic that Jim trashed Cochran's gameplay for not trying to win, just stay alive longer — when if he had stayed with Savaii, he would have been the first one out in THAT alliance?  Cochran stood a much better chance of convincing a few people on the Upolu to get rid of Coach or Rick or someone.

I was half-watching when her character died, and I looked at my husband and said "I feel like the writers think this is supposed to be shocking, but it completely isn't…"

What do you think this is, Indiana Jones?

What Coach said was not for himself, he was playing the game. He knew by saying it was "God's Will" and painting himself as having done something for Brandon's own good, he will have Brandon's Jury Vote.  Very sneaky and very smart, IMO.  Brandon will be ready to accept a marriage proposal by the time Coach gives his

After watching Babylon 5 from the very beginning a few years ago, I have a very high tolerance for bad CGI. I've accepted it for what it is :)

The IDEA of the Lorelai/Rory rift was an interesting/riveting one, but it just went on WAAAAAY too long.  I think it would have had just as much emotional kick after 5 episodes than 10 or  96 or however many episodes it went on.

Yes, please do!! :)

I thought Ernie and Cindy made a really sweet couple. They were very in tune with each other's strengths and flaws, and very supportive. They never really yelled at each other, unless you count Cindy yelling at herself.