
It was super-well done, but this was the second episode in a row of HIMYM that just left me super sad and depressed. I think everyone relates to the idea of losing control. Sometimes even when your brain thinks you don't want something, your heart isn't always on the same page.

I felt like they could have gotten more mileage if they made the Grandmother's homophobia more subtle.  They did the all-out stuff with Kurt and the billy.  In full disclosure, I'm straight, but I think it would have been more daring to deal with someone who "says" they're OK with it, but are clearly not under the

This is EXACTLY what I was saying to my husband when we were watching this — that was a MUCH better argument for Cochran than "I'm so pathetic and you owe me". He should have convinced someone to blindside Coach or Albert.

The actor doesn't help, but I still blame MOSTLY the writing… he doesn't annoy me as much as he does others, though. I see him as a plot device and nothing more :P

Oh Rowan, you continue to taunt me with your mentions of Babylon 5….

My problem with Henry isn't the actor, it's the writing. It's like saying Natalie Portman's a bad actress because of the Star Wars Prequels. Sometimes they can only do so much with the material…

Once he said at the end "I wish", I went "… more than life!" in my head.. :)

Love Espenson's work on Buffy, but her work on Battlestar was when the show was really going down the tubes… (IMO)

All I remember was the "Fall of Centauri Prime" episode… and the finale which was really the season 4 finale.  Maybe there were other good things in there, but I forgot them :) I think I repressed most everything else in protest of Claudia Christian's departure…

Woohoo! Looking forward to it :)

This episode just bummed me out…

Please please do reviews of Babylon 5! Pretty please with a cherry on top? And sprinkles too..

I thought they were joking… i think any team that gets U-turned calls SOMEBODY a bastard (or some variation thereof). I took it almost as a "Comeon, why'd you do it to us lovable scamps?"

I know it's cheesy and heavy-handed, but that image always stuck out to me too. It wasn't as much about girl-power, but just confidence and finally believing in your own strength. I found the whole montage impact-full, even though I know it was sheer & almost-shameful writer manipulation ;)

I thought it was a better episode — I strangely enjoyed the banter between Leonard and Penny, and didn't find it mean, as much as they were both messing with each other. I'm glad Penny had just as much trouble as Leonard flirting with someone new.  I'm just glad they didn't go the predictable "they have a good time

I think they are torn between who to make gay — Raj or Amy.

Lily was WAY too pregnant looking for 3 months… just sayin…

Suggestion for Noel: If you haven't already, don't look at the dvd covers for Angel season 5: major spoiler.

I as bullied as a kid, so I appreciated both what Brandon said, and what Coach said earlier.  I know that Coach was "in the game", but what he said was good advice, specifically his point about how people bully when they feel inferior to you in some way.

By accident… ;)