
Who is this "Rick" of which you speak? ;)

Ha! Me too… *sheepish smile*

I don't hate Jasmine, and I think she often has a point because Crosby doesn't necessarily see beyond himself, and doesn't take into consideration how his actions will affect Jabbar, or anyone else in his family. I think she is right that, when in doubt, her judgement is probably the better judgement.

Am I the only one that didn't see Julia as being that ridiculous? Not eating sushi is sort of like making sure you put babies on their backs when they sleep to lesson the risk of SIDS. Sure you can eat sushi and have a healthy baby, and you can put a baby to sleep on their tummy (which most parents were instructed to

^ This. (Exactly what I was going to say! Crosby… with Kristina a close 2nd)

Is anyone here a sci-fi geek? All I could think about with Josh's plastic choker thingie was Kosh from Babylon 5… :)