Violetta Glass

“I was just joking with Gal. Repeatedly. Red-faced and shouting. It’s down to cultural differences that she didn’t get how funny that was.”

Somehow that Gal Gadot part was especially galling as even before that she had done a lot of international press and acted in several English speaking movies. So to pull the ‘She just doesn’t understand English that well’ card was such an absolutely baffling move to make.

The simple fact is that there are times when the interests of feminists and the interests of horny assholes happen to align. If it’s the 1960s and women are yearning for sexual liberation, and also a bunch of dudes want to ogle women’s legs, they might both be like, “Yay, miniskirts!”

I mean, yes and also it’s larger than that?

Nah, he has billion dollars films under his belt. Most studios or streaming services would faint from the smell of money, they are simple folk.

Haha, wow. Guess Whedon’s not the only one to defend his own work via innocence by association.

Who me? No way! Awards! Feminist mom!

Holy shit, this write up of the article whitewashes it dramatically. I’m fucking stunned by how the author lets him off the hook.

Step one: ask your publicist and your lawyer if you should consent to the interview.

“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.”

I wanna know so bad

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: never put a nerd in charge of anything.

The number of times in a single article where he essentially has to say that someone is just remembering an interaction wrong is (not) astonishing. Sounds like a clear case of someone shocked they are meeting so many assholes all day long.

Whenever someone has to repeatedly tell you how nice they are, that’s a secret clue that they’re actually not very nice.

Which is why the working conditions in “half” of Hollywood need to change. No one should suffer abuse in their workplace. We need more sunshine on the problem to let the non-abusive people get their due (and not be driven out by the abusive dickheads), and to improve working conditions. You don’t get change by

Pregnancy harassment is still sexual harassment.

Read Carpenter’s statement... she was very specific.

There are horror stories about the behavior of certain mid-Twentieth Century directors who terrorized their actors to get the scene they wanted—names like Hitchcock and Welles come to mind.

“Are you going to keep it?” is a question that should never be asked of a woman by anyone other than the father of the baby (and even then, tread lightly). Just because he wasn’t roofie-ing (sp?) girls left & right doesn’t let him off the hook.

Just because he wasn’t being “sexual” doesn’t mean that pressuring an actress about her pregnancy wasn’t MASSIVELY crossing a line, we’re way past “being an asshole” here.