Why is it guys are always babies about being sick or hurt?
I’ve seen toddlers handle being ill better then adult men.
Why is it guys are always babies about being sick or hurt?
I’ve seen toddlers handle being ill better then adult men.
Not necessarily. Because odds are, you got it from work, so everyone else already had it, is over it, and it’s your turn.
So people are suppose to just deal with unfair laws because it might give some judge a bad day?
Pretty sure they deal with bad days all the time. Just because something is hard doesn’t mean it should be illegal just to make someone else’s life easier.
Polygamy is a slowly growing thing in the US as people become more…
By a larger margin?! She should be leading by like, 100% since Bernie dropped out. Trump shouldn’t even be up there with how he acts and encourages people to act towards others, and has the equivalent leadership experience of a fat gerbil.
I think I could name all the parts for female and most for male, but not the interior male parts, probably because i hate them so much, and never cared to learn lol.
I have my sudden dips in framerate, but overall it runs pretty well on 970. And probably one of the most stable modern games I’ve played, an SSD helped smooth it out a bit, esp for multiplayer.
I’m kind of scared about that....
I freeze up just facing off against another player in a pvp game (which is why I avoid pvp games heh)! I would probably be terrified beyond the capacity for any thought if I was assaulted IRL ;;
And the sad part is. Fewer people still will do anything about it after this election. Whether the walking trash pile wins or not. ;;
I would be dead bolting my front and bedroom door.
Yet most of Europe seems to say it’s better for the baby.
I get to deal with that in a few months.
Who said girls have to wear pink?
Or boys wear grey?
“I’m an optimist”
A year and a half? That’s generous.
I’m going to have to agree here. It’s a bit absurd to equate topless freedom to trying to get the right to vote and work. Nothing like each other. I would call it more: women’s next push for equality in 2016. A little less dramatic, but much more appropriate.
I’ve been torn between Chrono Cross, and Final Fantasy XI.
Chrono Cross is one of my top Favorite RPGs. Beat out only by Lunar 1 and 2 (Ps1 complete editions.) Someday I need to actually play Chrono Trigger lol. :/ Shameful I know. Sorry.
Oh thank god.
Not in this case no.