
I think that for me it might be the swearing (sorry to sound like your mom or something). In a different comment, you wrote something like, "That's how it's fucking served," which comes off much more hostile than just saying, "That's how it's served." Also, not everyone is going to plow through all the comments (535

for what it's worth, i think you totally have a valid point. pinkham was being unnecessarily dickish. and it's totally understandable to not get exactly what fish en papillote is. i didn't realize the picture was of that dish until i looked at it a second time. and even if i did understand what the description was

You're getting really grouchy in these comments. Maybe step away for a while when you're answering them? I really like your posts, but you're going to drive people away if you keep swearing at them and being prickly.

Can you stop yelling at everyone who comments? Stop acting like a jerk and be nice.

People are giving me undeserved shit, and I respond. Each time I am more civilized than the other person. I am such an asshole. I'm embarrassed for both of us.

you fucking told her! fuck yeah!

honestly, I think I behaved coolly in this exchange. I think it is Pinkham who is being a brat.

Yeah, I was totally unfamiliar with the presentation. The article does not label the picture at all. There is no "see above." When I clicked on the article, I glanced at the picture, and immediately started reading the text. I did not think, "gee, I wonder if that picture I glanced at is referring to the first

My friend ate deodorant, not once, but twice after seeing commercials for push-up ice cream bars.

Ah, I see now. It is pictured at the top of this article. Thanks for explaining that, but I wish you hadn't been so condescending in your reply to me.

Yes, but I was popping in to say the same, lest some Kitchenette reader try to steam fish in wax paper and complain that it tastes like a melted birthday candle. Because I care.

"Fish en Papillote" I'm pretty sure the papillote is supposed to be parchment paper, not wax.

Every time I see her I think "Stop trying to make Rita Ora happen. It's not going to happen."

Of course it was Australians. Australians are fucking everywhere. Seriously, you can go anywhere in the world, and you WILL meet Australians. Probably even Antarctica. They probably have a climate controlled pod set up down there just to make sure that they have representatives in every part of every continent.

"Rep. Coffman is both for and against whatever it was he was talking about."

I know where you are coming from and what you are trying to say. But saying the word "but" after her actions...its like excusing it and people will see it like that. I know I know I've been there in real life situations. What she did and said was inexcusable and disgusting. No one should ever talk like that. Now on a

1. Get rid of your shitty artwork

That's not scary. The ghost is obviously friendly. It just wanted to hold the cameraman's hand, and even closed the door when asked! Check your corporeal privilege, Mark.

People die from cars - a lot. Speeders should go to jail well before we send weed users/dealers. Of course, our legal system isn't based on science or even logic.