
I hate every cable company I've ever had but this is no excuse. Most companies have terrible customer service systems and things get lost in translation. You can be incredibly firm with a CSR, get escalated, etc. but you really need to also THANK people for helping.

My fiance recently had a woman on the phone scream


They have more in common than just the clothes they wear...

Feminism is treating all with equality. She was wrong. He was also wrong. He was MORE wrong because HE COULD HAVE KILLED HER. Even if it was another man that he hit, he knocked someone out. Do you understand that she could have had a myriad of issues that could have even included death? He is a well trained athlete,

I don't think so. I haven't seen anyone justify her hitting him. Hitting is not ok, no matter who does it. She shouldn't have hit him, and he sure as hell shouldn't have hit back.

Is this the rationalization you use when you knock your girlfriend unconscious? "oh, she threw the first slap, everything is fair game now."

Yeah the part where they were like "a PA had to somehow procure this specialty cake" was funny. Isn't that the job of the PA? I'm sure they got paid for their work.

I fail to understand the logic of thinking that this woman deserves to be paid eleventy billion dollars to swan around in front of a camera and yet doesn't deserve to have her dietary decisions respected.

where she probably had to "nibble" on cake for 4 hours!

Let's's Hathaway and filming in NYC, most likely? There must a vegan bakery within 2 blocks of any spot from where ever they were, no? who the fuck cares? She's a nice lady!!

Why would that be relevant? Ageist much?

Pfft... What's the big deal. He's just a guy, on a horse, with piercing eyes, intelligent, with a sense of humor, who can dance, and act, and be the villain and people still think he's great, and ...

Wow, the angle on that Anne Hathaway article is such BS. "Anne Hathaway didn't want to break her diet when a scene in her new movie, "The Intern" with Robert De Niro, required her to nibble on chocolate cake." Nibble? Oh you mean when she had to shoot a scene that might require many takes she wanted to adhere to what

I'm not a huge fan of the phrase either, but I can see why he used it in this situation. Sometimes sex is just sex; at other times it's a physical expression of an emotion.

I'd argue that 'the beast with two backs' is infinitely worse than 'making love'.

I disagree. I think it's good to distinguish between "fucking" (all about the physical), "sex" (slightly awkward, possibly un satisfying), and "making love," (more about emotions than anything, very intimate). But then, I'm an English nerd and I am in love with its ability to be specific.

He was on national TV, was he supposed to say fucking?

That's fine, but it doesn't mean Nick was slut shaming her. He sounds pretty broken up and hurt.

I agree with you. I have to be honest and admit I watched this entire season *I know, I am embarrassed*. I think Nick is a very sensitive and caring person. He truly opened up to her and thought that they were forming a real relationship with huge potential. I do not think he asked that question as a way of making her

I don't think he was trying to slut shame her. I think he was asking why she would do that, knowing how he felt about her, because it would give him hope, or he felt lead on by that. He was clearly vulnerable to her and cared about her a lot. If the roles were reversed I know I wouldn't want to feel like a notch on

There are different kids of privilege. Just because someone is marginalized in one way (racial, socioeconomic, etc.) does not mean they cannot contribute to the oppression of others (e.g. women). Calling these men out on their behaviour does not dismiss the oppression they face themselves.