
I am totally down to participating in said “caper” to steal this back, then release it for free. Wu-Tang, have your people call my people. Let’s do it.

And it IS amazing!! It also has it’s own Twitter account....

Great. Now I have to see this fridge too.

I came here to say this. Thank you. Can’t wait for the show to pick back up again so that we can see the end of Sam and Ron....and for Carol to go full HAM on Morgan....

It is a fucking shame that women risk death to get a pap smear. My heart is heavy for the families of these victims. When will we ALL finally say “ENOUGH”?

Nothing so far. I am beyond sick that he could use “Stand Your Ground” as a defense. I am from SC and continue to be amazed at how we can’t progress past life as it was in 1865 or something...

When I read the story it stated there is a 10 day period to appeal the ruling. I am crossing fingers that the prosecution steps up and doesn’t fucking fail the citizens of SC. So. Sick. Of. This. Shit. Keeping tabs on the story and will update.

I had a mound of Cool Whip with a sliver of pumpkin pie to make it legit.

This shit is getting so old. Today’s articles include the waitress at Waffle House shot and killed by a customer she had asked to put out his cigarette INSIDE THE RESTAURANT and the asshole in SC that was found justified for shooting his brother in law. Said BIL was shot for interfering with the convicted felon’s

I suddenly feel nostalgic for my old Brownies uniform....