Violet_Blue of the North

I call mine my heart dog...I love my other dogs very much, and they are much cuddlier that this guy, but there is just something special about our relationship....

:-) That’s cool, South Dakota can go ahead and fend for themselves

no love for hockey? Although we have a football team too so...real state?

It depends...we often refer to ourselves as the Plains, as in I live in the Northern Plains, but when asked by outsiders where we are from we tend to say Midwest because the Northern Plains doesn’t exist to many people...Now Kansas/Nebraska, I have always thought of them as Midwest because Plains always has that


?? What?? I know, I know...I will google it...

Off topic...but where does that phrase come from “Christ on a cracker?” I say it all the time and people look at me like I am nuts, I have no idea where I picked it it regional, was it in a movie somewhere? I also say Christ on a crutch...I don’t really expect you to know the answer, I just wonder...

Caffeine makes me tired too! So what gives you energy? This is something I have been wondering about since my Dr doesn’t believe me...any time I have been given a medication with the warning not to take it too late in the day because it will cause insomnia it is almost guaranteed to make me sleepy...

Sounds like time for new one should have to sit through something like that having had your experiences...that person was a jerk (which I am sure you knew)...

I am so sorry that you (and your child) are dealing with that...I wish there were more resources available for you.

As I am sure you know, anger is more than ok, it is a normal part of the process...while I don’t normally condone wishing death on another being, I sure know I wouldn’t have been crushed to find out my assailant met a violent end...internet hugs if you want them...

That’s the worst bit! My job still pays me if I am on a jury (called 4 times, served 1) but my husband’s job does not...the court pays for the whole day what he makes in an hour and it is hard to make up that lost pay(broke here too)!

Did you know that DiHydrogen Monoxide causes like 100% of all drownings in the US each year???

OMG. What a lovely ending! Your gramma sounds like an amazing strong woman and I am glad she was able to get away from that abusive relationship. The ring sounds beautiful and I am sure your sil loves it, even more so if she knows the story behind it. And, your great aunt sure can keep a secret!

Tell me she didn’t give it back...please?

Hugs to both of you (if you like that sort of thing)...4 years this July :-(

But did they do the “10 ___ Mysteries” version? A whole other layer of hell....

Those Canadians are pretty wait, that’s not it....