
Yeah, I’m getting pretty tired of all the folks spraining their arms from patting themselves on the back so hard for all their sympathy and good wishes toward poor ol’ McCain. I didn’t cause his cancer and my feelings will have no impact on the outcome. His vote will cause death and suffering for millions.

Samer, you said it best in your recent article on Boston radio dipshits: “Kirk Minihane is the rat that ratfuckers fuck.” That, sir, is poetry.

Beds are $99.

Businesses that are fronts for organized crime aren’t supposed to be successful. That’s not really their purpose.

The only product that actually works is Todd Haley’s BRAIN CHAW. Whether you’re dialing up a play for a QB who can’t read, or you’re whipping a High Life at the Mexican kid who just stranded your son on third, BRAIN CHAW’s unique blend of mouth tobacco, B12, Taurine, and biker crank provides you with the focus,

This seems to me LeBron just showing his power. “You will not trade me, I am not a pawn”. He would rather have a bad season than give up a modicum of control. He has been working to gain that power his whole career and he won’t allow terms dictated to him. I respect it.

Thank you, just the thought alone is so sweet. I slept well without anxiety dreams and woke up refreshed and ready for the world today for the first time in a week, and our mutual best friend thinks its because of the outpouring of support that I got in this thread and I am so grateful for the Jezzie community!

I know someone who’s getting laid tonight.

HE’S 29! I’m 31 and I don’t need to put up with that shit. Its not even really that we were sort of dating - we were going very, very slow because he’s not totally over his ex, who broke up with him two years ago and recently got married, and his unwillingness to fully move on is really just another sign of his

“There is no relationship. That’s not ‘relating,’ you know what I mean? Relationships are about connection, and sometimes rifts and repairs, but he’s clearly not interested in any of that.”

If she’s 100% certain the relationship is over and there’s nothing he can do to change it, I think ending it definitively and giving him space is the kindest thing to do. Breakups are truly the worst, and the only thing that helps is time. The only real kindness you can show when dumping someone is to be firm and

No, attorneys general is correct. They are attorneys (noun). The “general” is a descriptor and adjectives don’t become plural. Same with sisters-in-law (not sister-in-laws).

Yes. Now we’re getting into good discourse here!

I’m just glad someone is finally speaking up against the very serious consequences NFL players face for domestic violence.

If he just starts issuing pardons, we’re going to storm the White House, right? Because this King Orangeface shit just can’t continue.

That’s the reaction they’re after. They want you to feel like there’s no recourse against them.

Eh, not really. I was involved in this scene at my school for many years. False accusations do happen, but I can honestly say I saw ONE out of well over a hundred that I was personally involved in. It certainly wasn’t something you had to guard against with enormous effort. At that age, most accused are not all

The police did not complete the investigation.

I’m not seeing where money changed hands, if that’s any consolation. It just looks like he’s dropping his suit and they’re saying it’s too bad he didn’t have a happy college experience after being accused of rape.

I’m confused. So Columbia settled because Sulkowicz did such an amazing PR job in drawing attention to her case?