
How dare you besmirch the good name of tapioca pudding, sir or madam!

Fuck you capitalist boot licker.

That may be the core problem, and the reason to shut it down. Modelling isn’t actually necessary, after all.

Legit question: Has anyone ever seen Omarosa, David Clarke, Paris Dennard, and Buckner in the same room?

I don’t know if he’s written any other poems, but just from that one example I’m convinced that James Franco has written more poems than he’s read.

It’s interesting that many of our civil liberties were protected in court by the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The Satanic Temple are genius-level trolls.

Militant atheistic trolls of Christianity. My hero’s.

“Religious freedom” goes both ways, fuckers. Good on you, Satanic Temple.

It would be wonderful if the Satanists won. Not only do they have a valid provable point regarding the fact that Jane Doe shouldn’t have been forced to listen to the foetus’s heartbeat, it also raises questions regarding religion and its impact on the law. Satanism is as legitimate as any other religion.If the

Bless these litigious, doggedly active, beautiful motherfuckers.

Praise Satan!

God bless these Satanists.

These folks are awesome. Satanism ftw.

No, you didn’t chip in, you get Honeydew

Same! I just came here for Pee-Wee.

It’s him! He plays “the best friend.”

SAME. Where is the Paul Reubens love?

I would kill to have these sorts of problems.