The Empire waist was Regency in Jane Austen. Early 1800's....and then we get to the awful civil war era with the whole horrid look of everyone in the Piano...and then the Victorian. Georgian was definitely 1700's!
The Empire waist was Regency in Jane Austen. Early 1800's....and then we get to the awful civil war era with the whole horrid look of everyone in the Piano...and then the Victorian. Georgian was definitely 1700's!
SERIOUSLY...I am obsessed with Georgian fashion...and she is rocking it so hard.
That woman cannot BARE the slightest criticism/lack of fawning admiration without conflating the entire thing as an attack on her soul...but she’s totally cool with it. She’s cool.
It’s a pretty extraordinary post, innit?
Venice Beach native! Hello!
Most men get hotter with age...those fucking bastards.
THIS...I...I know... I used to think Ryan Renolds was just so vanilla.
OH MY GOD YES.....nailed it!
This is so extraordinary...Did people think her voice was an actual chorus?
Keep your eye on that mole, kid. I’ll be hoping for the worst.
Too much car.....very expensive yoga pants.
We might!...or rather..might have been in the past. I’m from Venice (my sister lived in T.O.), but life took me to Austin. I miss home every day..even though I love this city (and have had family here for many generations)...I’m definitely a Californian.
Poor super skinny long haired’s so be a beautiful angel around all these almost-like-me-but-not-really-PEOPLE-people.
It’s like she invented the humblebrag, and then said, “You know..there isn’t enough Becky in this.”
FACTS! My sister worked there for years, driving over Kanan every day from her modest home, to watch these little turds in their 100K cars bitch about grades and comforts.
THIS THIS THIS THIS..Liar....liar liar liar liar.
I’m really starring your name...these brilliant mashups here just make me giggle.