
I don't feel like math, but if it helps the case I remember Kimmy saying explicitly she's 29 years old. There are also various shots of newer iPhones (I'd say they were at least the iPhone 5s).

Does anyone really miss fake Drew Barrymore?

Right? I wouldn't say Mindy is "getting anyone fired", she's the boss, she can fire people outright.

I'm hispanic, my best friend in high school was Indian. People were always trying to pair her off with the Indian boy in our class and tried to imply they should date, despite having not a lot in common other then the color of their skin.

I got the impression he was boozing when he addressed Rick last week. Maybe he's friendlier sober?

It would be fantastic if they took our expectations and did something wildly different, like she ends up being someone sent to kill him. Probably not though.

Of the Alexandria people, I like A-a-ron the most.

Yes, but then we have to endure a half season of Rick and blond chick's husband having death stares. Does anyone want that? Surely, there's another doctor in the house.

Good for her, what was she supposed to do? If that kid really was going to tell everyone, he could've gotten them all kicked out. She didn't actually take him and kill him, she threatened him.

When Rick fucks the blonde chick, I'm am going to have a rage stroke. Don't let it happen! Someone shoot her now! I really don't want another love triangle.

Wait, what? She's officially out of her apartment now? I didn't even pick up on that. I loved Mindy's old apartment (okay, I just liked the way she decorated it).

I was confused about that as well. I remember a scene where she was packing up her dorm room.

Maybe there will be a reveal ("emotional moment") at some point as to his motivations about staying in Tuscon. Didn't make any sense to me either.

Frank takes a shit in the oval office?

I think that's why this show tends to cast unknowns (with the exception of the priest). I'm betting a lot of these people weren't swimming in offers before anyways, so having some paid work on a big show is probably a step up regardless of whether or not they actually have lines.

Yeah, I'd hate it if that blonde woman banged Rick (though I can totally sense where that's going, because quite frankly Rick is the only man she's really interacted with, and you don't do that unless it's telegraphing a hook up). Hopefully, Rick kills the husband quickly so we don't have to suffer through a love

Well, the sound of weapons firing attracts zombies. They probably don't want paranoid people firing off their weapons unless it's necessary.

Maybe it looks less ridiculous in person? Now that they've seen it on screen, I'd hope they'd add some brown in there or something else to make it look less obviously fake.

Rick's beard literally can't even.

it's cause they are all infected with the virus right? ammi missing something?