
I really dislike the waxed torso. Unless you're a body builder with 2% body fat, trimming the chest hair is more than enough.

I read the comics up to about issue 100 (they are in the 140s now I believe). If you have an interest, the comics are a really quick read and entertaining. Enough changed from them on the show to make it worth reading IMO. I just haven't read them lately because I'm cheap.

I was bothered by all the food humor. it's such a cliche—the woman who really isn't even that fat (she's just not Hollywood skinny), scarfing down a sheet cake with her bare hands and stowing away full-sized candy bars.

I just now noticed that I have notifications, but part of the appeal of the show for me was the image of Cosby as "America's dad" and this great guy with great advice. I liked the other characters a lot, and maybe some episodes were less focused on him than others, but I just don't want to see Cosby on my screen for

I know her best as the little girl in the George Clooney movie.

At least it's not as bad as "She's All That" where they slapped on glasses and a ponytail and called Rachel Leigh Cook ugly.

I do and it drives me nuts.

Since the Cosby Show is basically ruined for me now, I wholeheartedly embrace Blackish.