I actually haven’t the slightest idea how Miles Morales got his powers, so I agree with this sarcastic comment in a non-sarcastic way.
I actually haven’t the slightest idea how Miles Morales got his powers, so I agree with this sarcastic comment in a non-sarcastic way.
I hope this movie explains how he got these powers in the first place, and how he developed his ethos of great power equaling great responsibility.
THE BEST SONG. I still break into that song fairly regularly.
Ronnie staaaaahhhhp,stahp, ronnie, staaahp is a favorite over here.
I constantly tell my pets to STAHHHHHHP.
“She goes, ‘Listen to me, you’re going to regret this for the rest of your life if you don’t take this gift and just live in the moment.”
I’m not sure why you’re bringing up the Washington Post? The New York Times broke the story earlier this morning — two different cities, two completley different media outlets.
Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.
I love it because technically I think she was far enough away for him to not feel obliged to open the door for her, but because he spent so long being internally debating the situation albeit quite visually and conspicuously (i.e. being Larry) then everything turned back on him. I love how Larry’s always inches or…
Danette Chavez, I loved your use of the very Curbesque term “hemming and hawing.” I could so imagine Larry being accused of such and defending himself with, “There was no hemming, there was no hawing!” That part of your review made me chuckle, so thanks for that :)
Now, if you don’t have at least four gay characters, people are like, What’s this piece of shit?
Reese. Did you see her arrest video? She seriously sounded like one of those sovereign citizen types. Aka she’s full white trash that got an Eliza Doolittle My Fair Lady polishing.
Reese, because at least you’d live.
Discussion time: who would you put money on in a fight, Nicole or Reese? Reese seems like she’d cut a bitch, but Nicole survived Tom Cruise for ten years, so I feel like it’d be pretty even odds.
if I never see a “fancy” polyester satin camisole with jeans and stiletto heels again in my life I will be something remotely approaching happy.
You’d think our leaders could at least offer our children a modest proposal.
Congratulations to Mindy!
I have no fucking clue who T.J. Miller is but he sure sounds like an asshole.