What ever you do, please use it for more then 2500 miles. That is a really lame amount of miles..
Could you imagine if I wrote about a Miata every week? There would be tyranny!
These are good suggestions, but I’m not totally convinced I can do a year with an NSX or an E30 M3. I think the readers would get bored.
While the content might be well written and fairly funny.....the substance is REALLY lacking here.
in what universe is $3k not a terrible price, lol
Comment gold right there!
no way man. that’s what all the cool kids are doing!
Removing the front fender is akin to slamming your car for a stanced look. You’ve basically made it useless or completely miserable to use.
I must say, it is interesting (or it says something) that car-oriented people generally vote NP on bikes, yet bike-oriented people find flaws easy, to the point of voting CP or conditional NPs.
“A” RD400 is a great bike and $3k isn’t a terrible price.
So the 21-year old with a 5-year old was being irresponsible? Get out of town.
Why isn’t Gawker reporting this? Oh right, there aren’t any women or brown people being victimized, so it’s not news.
Much of the appeal of these GTs on the used market is the rep as a handful. Lets face it, this was a used and modified car. I am willing to bet that these pretend race drivers traded a lot on the idea that they were so good they could tame this beast.
I bet Tavarish never tires of literally this exact objection to everything he writes about used cars.
Ha! I think it’s more likely you’d just have to sit through a thirty-second ad before the video.
So why would someone by this over a new GTI?
2002 Viper GTS with 1000hp and nitrous for 50k maybe not the classic definition of exotic but it has kicked a$$ in a number of races