I keep getting SRT Viper
I keep getting SRT Viper
I agree that the prices will always be more then a 355. But that's true of many generations of cars. The 355 will always be more expensive then a 348 and so on.
That's very true.
Cool car, will be $60K though.....
Few things people need to keep in their minds
Great, another $35-40K hot hatch option.....
This has to be the most useless post ever on jalop.
Please tell me more about trucks we cant buy here.....
Meh, they all look the same to me. Only a hipster would discount the 996 in any form for "ugly headlights". When talking about cheap 911s we should be talking about the driving experience and cost of ownership, not what it looks like in pictures or sitting in a starbucks parking lot for some "meet"
I agree that the 996 will go up in value. I don't think it is some crazy investment that will have a huge pay out. But this is the bottom of the curve. Funny that the IMS thing is so 996. Boxters and some 997 had the same issue.
As a personal thing I wouldn't be interested in a AWD NA 911
Issue is that the fix is still 10% of the value of the whole car.
I have heard that the maintance on the V8 isn't as bad as one would expect
Willing o bet this has a nice upside when you sell in a year....
Ill cut right to the chase, the answer is Aston Martin V8 Vantage.
Who is Cam Newton and why does anyone care?
I call BS.
Still way to much money to care
Cool story, you should tell that at parties.....
VW W8 Wagon Manual