blue's my boy

Seriously, how can anyone be upset about this? Worst case scenario: a mentally unwell man gets away with wasting some of the [notoriously vicious and corrupt] police’s time without being sent to jail and only having his career ruined. Nobody’s dead!

I think it’s fine Elizabeth Gilbert is dating this guy, people react to grief and move through it in different ways and it brings people together in different ways that maybe others wouldn’t understand. I will not forgive her for writing Eat, Pray, Love though.

lol what a gen-x way of thinking! didnt get what you wanted so you are gonna scream at someone who cant talk back to you through a phone till you get what you want. heres a few tips, the person on the other side isnt doing this to your precious little nothing-special angel. its the people who pay them to be there for

TMI but I lost my virginity, sort of, one night and then went on to crash a wedding.

Also, the ‘victims’ in the article didn’t seem to mind nearly as much as you did, but leaving a dollar at an open bar reception would be really gauche.

Having grown up in Indiana but leaving after high school, I always try to explain to people here in Minnesota what Indiana was like. The best thing I can tell people is that I have never been anywhere that wishes it had been part of the Confederacy more than Indiana.

This point cannot be underscored enough. I worked with a ton of men’s athletic teams during my college coaching and admin career. Without a doubt, the conduct of the coaching staff almost always dictated how the players treated me as well. If the head coach and the rest of the staff were respectful, the players

It wasn’t private.

In private?

a simple trade request in private.

Exactly. The problem isn’t and wasn’t ever about the trade request. It was the attempted coercion to get him to one team in particular and nowhere else, leaving the Pelicans with little to no option but to take whatever the Lakers offered, or risk the rest of the year (and possibly next) with a disgruntled player and

I sure hope the “investigation” includes those refs. The obvious and persistent nature of this is just inexcusable. Can’t figure out who said it? Pick one, or just call it on the bench and force the coach to figure it out. It’s done all the time and the rules explicitly permit it. If it persists, it’s a game

We are also starting to feel like we should have saved our one time of “doing the right thing” for this one, because this one seems like it might be worse, but we damn sure aren’t giving up TWO of our main offensive weapons

Interesting that you make a joke here. Whenever an article about domestic violence against women is posted you post some corny virtue signaling bullshit along the lines of “I’m not qualified to speak on this matter so I will not comment on it. That being said [insert shitty joke here]”. Does child abuse not make the

Reportedly the team is changing its name to The Whitey Duckkks.

They don’t need to be forced... it’s in their (our) genes...Or should I say Zubas...?

I have a hard time believing they don’t have at least one non-Mormon.

Oh, but they’re all so happy, all the time, and they want to tell you all about it! (As soon as they’ve gotten all six kids to bed and the wife has figured out what do with all these LuLaRoe leggings nobody wants to buy from her.)

They have no problem spending $250K-$500K to get their kid into college. But God forbid you want to increase their taxes by less than that amount to make sure everyone has access to college.