Who murdered in your coffee this morning?
Who murdered in your coffee this morning?
“But, when you break it down and think about it, it’s not that much more expensive than most baby things”
“But, when you break it down and think about it, it’s not that much more expensive than most baby things”
I hope that this is an isolated incident, and not something that becomes poutine.
My mom was a guest at a professor’s house. A fellow guest was determined once she saw black faces in her midst to hear an authentic negro spiritual. She excitedly asked my mom if she knew any “chants”. My mom could barely contain herself. From laughing. She replied “Gregorian ones”. My mom was raised Catholic.
Perhaps a short story will make this clearer.
The Oscars awards a deliberatly long term plan to colonize/ discover/ highjack a story of racial reconciliation/understanding;
Hanna Beachler’s orange gown is giving me ruffle envy. I love that dress.
Thanks Obama
I was a college athlete at an Under Armour school and in all seriousness the shoes were so bad that they were being replaced like 5x a season and most of the basketball team went back to wearing Nikes and taping over the logo.
How about a spin-off just focusing on Sloan Sabbith, Mackenzie McHale, and Leona Lansing? There could be a double-crossover episode where they run into C J Cregg and Harriet Hayes.
The problem is the low, low, low fucking standards that us men tend to hold for ourselves. Namely, that so long as I never “rape” anyone, as in drag a woman into the shadows and have my way with her, then I’m not a bad guy.
The kid just signed an exclusive deal with FS1's “All Takes Matter” and is already schooling Whitlock in debates.
Please. He couldn’t even prevent the Boston Marathon bombing.
A basketball is inflated to 40 PSI. So he is generating over 100 pounds of pressure with his fingertips.
Good to know that if he flames out in the NBA he can still find work with the Patriots.
“Well, it’s the right idea, anyway.”
“Oh god, look at that.”
-Brett Favre texting you at 3am.
Zion altered the equator of the basketball
Other responses here are much better...but I felt compelled to repsond. Hope you’re not trolling. I’m not entirely convinced but..
I'd have put the Cheesy Gordita Crunch on the list. For me, it represented the point when Taco Bell completely dropped the charade of pretending to serve "Mexican food" and just started going all out creating these horrifying ingredient splices based on an insane taco's Lovecraftian nightmares. Also, the Baja sauce is…