Schrödinger’s Poor: simultaneously working too many menial jobs to properly raise their terrible children while also lazily living off of welfare.
Schrödinger’s Poor: simultaneously working too many menial jobs to properly raise their terrible children while also lazily living off of welfare.
I’m just going to throw this out there, but I suspect that she’s wrong and that a black anchor would have been in deep shit if they said that.
Man. I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised that the comments on this article are so different to the comments on last week’s Constance Wu/whitewashing article, but I am. Basically, it appears that “chill the fuck out” is the consensus here. The one movie of the year about a person with a serious disability — not…
The Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast ran into the same problem. They do a segment about forgotten scientists and highlighting their contributions. They were highlighting women scientists less than 50% of the time but were getting complaints about too many women being mentioned.
I’m proud of us (our western section is especially progressive and lovely to live in) but we have made a shameful choice of governor. Baker’s first reaction was “I won’t veto it”. He’s no social progressive at all.…
Federal scientist here. The raw data we collect has to go through a time-consuming check/approval process before it’s fit for public consumption because people rely on that data for recreation/agriculture/infrastructure/construction. Our data is also collected and transmitted via telemetry, which like NASA’s, isn’t…
Here is one of the bits that Principal “ Not So” Breitkreutz, and perhaps his particular Lutheran Synod, seems to have ripped out of their bibles.
This is why I worship RuPaul instead of Jesus.
large breasts
I accidentally cleared several tables with my bust.
Do you have large breasts? Because if not, you should know that no one with large breasts humble brags about it. It’s not like being “too skinny.” Having large breasts is so traumatic, developmentally, that most women need really muster up courage to talk about any harassment they face because of it. (It might be…
Some of my favorite films are chick flicks. Alien. Aliens. Resident Evil. Terminators 1 and 2. Contact. The Descent. Mad Max. The Force Awakens. Such great chick flicks.
Oh just LET ME TELL YOU what a complete and utter bag of shit Greg Abbott is. He was injured in an accident that paralyzed him, sued and got a ton of money, and then worked for tort reform to cap payouts so that no one in the state of Texas will ever again see as much money as he did from a personal injury settlement.…
Ironically, the East Side High is the one with the IB program and is a math/science magnet school. One of the first ways the school district tried to desegregate the schools was by making the district open enrollment (basically, anyone can attend any school). So you had a bunch of black students go to the white school…
Is it me, or does everyone else want to smack the smile right of that guy’s smug ass face?
My mother has worked in the film industry a long time. And, I sent her a link to the Kristen Stewart piece from Jez last night. And, this was her response:
Academic condemns students “feeling” things as “tyranny.” The irony is rich and buttery.
They’ll put in a new section called Literal Prophecy