
My daughter saw that story and was like “So wait ... a bunch of MALE COPS went into the women’s restroom to kick her out?”

I am a straight, cis-female with severe polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which has the effect of giving me a full face of dark facial hair. I am also unfortunate enough to live in NC. On the way to get my face waxed 2 weeks ago, I stopped in a DSW to look at shoes for my upcoming wedding (to a man, which I am not).

The party of small government is at it again.

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

Ha ha ha, in the future MEN’S pants won’t have pockets either! Enjoy your no pocket pants men!

I wish this future had come true because I’d wear the shit out of that cape.

Now playing

Prince appeared on the 90's Muppet Show reboot. It was incredible. 11 year old Fighting Polish had no idea how to process this insanity, but I knew I loved it.

This woman is badass.

In my experience, four candidates leads to Abraham Lincoln so okay.

As a deeply reserved person—like, cork lined room levels of austere—if I have to choose between “rowdy bookclub at the next table on a wine train” and “rowdy bookclub humiliated and thrown off the train into the waiting arms of the cops” I will pick the former every time. I can tune out loud laughter. I can’t tune out

Dude, I can’t imagine not laughing loudly on a wine train. If I am having a ladies night and there is wine involved, I will laugh loudly. And when I see other women doing the same I am happy for them. It’s good, clean, innocent fun. And (because I am white) nobody ever gives me shit for laughing loudly while having

Were you there ? Cuz here is feedback from someone who was and there were a lot more like this

‘Oh Mary Berry? You’ve made lots of cakes for Mary Berry.’

I’ve been around him for work events and he’s sort of an over the top goofball in a way that I could see being annoying if you weren’t really in the mood. Ultimately harmless, though! All of his former Firefly cast members love him, too, and I can’t see them faking it this long if there was any bad blood.

Did you see Sam Bee’s piece on how poor women have trouble affording diapers for their kids? And how Republicans think these women shouldn’t be able to pay for diapers with food stamps? And if you can’t afford to buy diapers, you probably should have thought about that before you went and got yourself pregnant, slut?

No, implying that the dildo was on top of the pillow not underneath. Ted is the dildo in this statement.

It’s mostly the linings. I’m pretty understanding of most of the things 18th century people did because of the ingenuity required to do them, the time, the effort, the cost.