That is about 30% of yelp reviews of Asian restaurants. And I include all of the cuisine attributed to the entirety of the Asian continent, which includes its islands.
That is about 30% of yelp reviews of Asian restaurants. And I include all of the cuisine attributed to the entirety of the Asian continent, which includes its islands.
Honestly, listening to Marc Maron and the Nerdist podcasts, where the interviews are an hour long, has given me a lot of respect for the fact that being a working actor is seriously an unpleasant job sometimes. Like, press tours are shitshows of sitting in hotel rooms for 12 hours straight, answering the same five…
...”don’t seem to understand that there’s a middle ground between “mandatory” and “banned.”I feel like this sums up the entire GOP mindset.
This, on the other hand, was so excellently done in every way.
Why does everybody bash Brave? :(
brb never stopping crying
Alton Brown made an awesome point on one of those live Thanksgiving marathons on Food Network. Skin is designed to be inpenetrable to like...protect you, so basting or putting anything on the *outside* of skin won’t make the turkey any juicier. I don’t know if the end game is more delicious skin or delicious turkey…
The bigger problem in terms of establishing a rightful owner is that, under the framework of current plunder-related international law, the UK is almost certainly the rightful owner. Clear-cut cases of theft (the Holocaust, for example) are much easier, but there’s almost no mechanisms for reversing the export of…
I doubt it. Have you done a background research on the people suing? The so-called “Indian” group is run by a Spaniard, David de Souza. And he runs a nightclub in India. This guy is the type to sell it to the highest bidder. Like a nightclub manager would run a museum filled with relics.
A lot of the problem came when they switched to Lifetime and one day challenges became the standard.
Thing is, the provenance of this diamond goes back centuries, so it’s not at all clear who the “rightful owner” really is. India (nor Pakistan) as such did not exist when it was taken. It was unquestionably plundered as war booty by the East India Company, but they were only the last in a long line. The Koh-i-Noor…
I spent a year of my life working for Disney so I can promise you this, simultaneously people die on Disney property and no one dies on Disney property.
At Mitchell’s (in SF, known for odd fruit flavors) I’d always get a pint of half young coconut and half avocado. Divine.
My cold dead heart just grew three sizes. Starting the week with a reminder that not everyone who enters a restaurant is possessed by the Entitlement Monster is so great. And brings back the memories of the people I served who were not only decent but stand-up humans. Like the guy with the wallet stuffed full of the…
It’s straight up insanity. Kid Electron’s classmate started up with an all-star cheer program, and her mom’s been putting pressure on me to sign up Kid as well. It would cost more per month than her school tuition, and that’s not including the mandatory practice uniforms, two performance uniforms and assorted poms…
Remember kids: Black Lives Matter is a bunch of whiners who are looking for reasons to be offended. The real oppression is a lack of Christmas iconography on your coffee cups.