
My mom is a historical preservationist specializing in the Victorian era and she always laughs about this. She’ll joke that she’s “probably inhaled enough arsenic to be immune.” Even though she now wears gloves and sometimes even a mask it certainly wasn’t standard when she started 30 years ago. Whenever we would

The good news is, there is no way to do 135 crunches a day correctly, if by correctly you mean “in a way that will make a goddamn bit of difference,” particularly given your diet, so I think you can probs relax about them. The only restaurants in New York required to post calorie counts are chain restaurants with

One of the best parts (and there have been many) about Daniel Craig’s current GiveNoFucks Bond tour was the exhange when the interviewer asked him what life lessons Bond could give and he was like “well, nothing. He’s actually a misogynist.”

I suddenly feel the urgent need to tell everybody my favourite Dutch slang for penis is snikkel. Sorry.

The more pics people post the more i realize just how phallic every single vegetable is

Yes and maybe it’s just me but those look like giant, swollen purple penises studding that arrangement. I’d giggle, hell I am giggling.

Yep. I lucked out, because my husband is very, very involved with doing household chores and is also a good cook, so we pretty much split everything evenly (well, except for laundry - since I hate it, he does most of it and as a trade I primarily clean the toilets and such. I’m weird, whatever).

Knowing all the things and deaths that will take place, my heart literally shrivels up into a year old raisin.

Wowowowow. I never heard of this guy until my best friend called me today and told me how he met (among others) Christian Day at a party of Salem elite LITERALLY LAST NIGHT. he got taken to this party by this guy he wanted to make out with and the guy’s brother (a voodoo priest, I think) WHO USED TO DATE CHRISTIAN

So it sounds like you could run an excellent side hustle of wedding veils on Etsy.

My veil was exactly three yards, in three one-yard layers, of white tulle stitched to a comb, without embellishment. It was $119, and could have been made for approximately $0.19 (no exaggeration). It was a hand-me-down from my best friend, who’d gotten married the summer before me, and realized after a post-wedding

It’s so overrated. You think, “Woo hoo, somebody wants me! This is thrilling!” Then halfway through the deed, you’re just all cold and bored and asking yourself “what’s even my motivation to be in bed with this rando?”

Paul Ryan’s entire life is an example of “for me, but not thee.”

Just have fun correcting them and subverting gender norms. Also CONGRATS!

Obviously you’re not in academia...

You mean... Netflix and Chill?

So I have so many things to say about how this reflects how we see gender and things are only “valid” when they’re seen by a male perspective, but I’m going to settle with a) it must suck to have your franchise be turned into 50 shades of Grey and have your idea for pumping out a no-work novel from the male

I used to live in Torrance! The high school was also used for Sunnydale High School!

Because mentally ill people live all over the world and these types of mass shootings, generally speaking, do not happen in other industrialized countries. This was a mass shooting, it most certainly is an issue about guns.