
That all sounds killer! I don't have quite that collection going on but I'd eventually like to have a nice stable. I kind of got out of bikes recently just because where I live there's not much in the way of good riding. That 50 racing sounds like a blast really, I'd also like to check out supermoto. Anyway, these

you're a rider too I take it? Been on and off bikes myself since I was 5...raced karts back in the day too. What are you riding these days?

It's all good. I'm an ass I know this it's nothing I haven't been told before but people that actually know me know not to take me too seriously. I actually drive way better since I got my Bimmer it's the opposite of what people would think. I keep my jeep for the same reason, might as well hang on to it as long as

I'm not really sure what me saying that has to do with owning BMW's. I also own a POS beater 15 year old Jeep that I've had for 11 years...I guess I'm perpetuating some Jeep owner stereotype too?

Man I wish driving a BMW meant rich haha. But yeah, I do get the message that she was the shallow brand whore could insert any luxury brand name in there and it would be right at home. It does seem like the brand is focused on more if it's a BMW though.

damn it! Thanks! I suspected I got that wrong but was definitely too lazy to check. Good looking out.

I actually liked your comment if I'm least it was funny and original. Props for that. If people on here actually knew me they would know better than to get offended by anything I say. I'm a walking contradiction and I tend to mess with runs in the family. If I were going to call myself

I like them all really, but I think my tastes get more specific the newer you go. Yeah, E92, and it's LeMans blue...pretty sure there was some study that said blue BMW drivers are the worst... I can't win I give up. I was actually afraid to tell anyone what I drove if they asked during the first year or so I had it

FYI I own a beater myself so really by me breaking the balls of the Jalopnik collective I'm breaking my own balls. So, maybe we shouldn't take things so personally.

hahaha damn I'm so screwed! Unfortunately it's not that old, and it's about the douchiest one a person can get in my opinion. I long for an E30 325 though, that was the car that made me fall in love with BMW. I did own a 1969 Beetle back in the 90's that my dad and I (read mostly my dad) restored. Does that count

I honestly wasn't looking for sympathy; I don't require that kind of emotional support. I was simply sharing a story with another reader. Did I give the Jalopnik crowd a little jab in the process? Damn right I did. Was I aware of the degree of fragility of some readers? No, I honestly wasn't. I forgot how thin

This is true, but it's really been my go-to source lately because not enough people have been trying to run me off the road and/or flipping me off for minding my own business lately. Oh and for reference I actually use my indicators religiously, only pass on the right if the left lane hog just refuses to move, don't

well I already made that mistake by pointing out that Jalopnik is all about jalopies..the hurting of butts is getting strong. Now I should not come to this site anymore and I'm also a "doosh" which I presume is supposed to mean "douche"...

why is that?

I mean the root of Jalopnik is Jalopy amaright?! hahahaha

Yeah yeah yeah...whatever...if you don't like my story YOU should find somewhere else to waste your time...

Yeah funny thing, I was in a minor accident last year where some HS kid pulled out in front of me to cross traffic, I had to take evasives so that I only ended up clipping him. Anyway, he was driving a beater that had been wrecked no less than 5 times before, pretty much fit the demographic for the majority of

What's Jalopnik without some good old BMW hate?

It has gotten a bit ridiculous hasn't it...

I know right..what's with this guy? I think a lot of people have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to leasing vs. financing.