
They’ve been doing this since before any of you were born. I’m surprised you car people don’t know this.

I’m in Chatt; some recent mornings are a cold ride. I still need to get a balaclava.

Yeah buddy! KLR650 and Multi owner myself. The “Killer” is a great bike and one you would want for the apocalypse. Hard to resist the sex that oozes from a Ducati though.

Oooooh. OK, makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up.

Alright damn it..I’m confused. What the hell are we talking about?! The open/close wheels for the air vents?

Crack kills

I’m all for your articles most of the time but this is reaching. If you find a 997 TT for $53k that’s probably the first and biggest red flag. This kind of money for a 996 TT would make more sense. You can, however, find 997 TT’s that are in half decent shape for loaded M3 money.

Word. I consider myself a BMW guy but if you drive it and hate it I can’t really argue with that.

I get the feeling that you don’t like BMW’s...

Obviously, hasn’t driven one...

You’re obviously not familiar with who Wes Siler is...pretty much par for the course and it looks like he’s hanging around Jalopnik/Gawker these days so expect more of this. I used to frequent a motorcycle website he was affiliated with and took about 2 months before I was over it and just stopped going to

Hahahaha well must depend on the area..definitely not the experience I have had. Not to say some people weren’t cool but usually it was other BMW enthusiasts. Glad your experience has been so positive. Hopefully, it continues to go on that way. I do love those cars; I actually don’t think I’ve ever seen an “is” as

Used to drive a 335i coupe, lots of hate thrown my way on the road. New M3 (manual BTW..for my redemption) on order so I’ll be interested to see what the prejudgment with that is like. I too, drive an old (16 years) ass Jeep that’s a total POS. I am a damn turn signal Nazi and tailgating makes me want to commit

Fair enough. It really all comes down to the feels. There are probably only a select few cars that I would legitimately own for a very long period of time as a primary mode of transportation. I'm more of a have one cheap cash purchase car to keep until the wheels fall off as at least a backup and then have a fun

Anytime you buy a vehicle and then sell/trade later you are paying the depreciation of someone else's future car. When you have a car you are always paying depreciation at some point unless of course you got it for free or stole it.

Sorry man...did you get a PPI?

A point A to point B guy on Jalopnik...bold strategy Cotton

So dentists buy 911's because they look nice? Come on man, don't leave out those of us who fell in love with 911's as small children and have loved them as long as we can remember; we also like them because they look nice.

Some of the best racing I've seen is touring car racing like WTCC, BTCC, STCC, also last season MotoGP was pretty great and World Superbike has been pretty decent from what I've been able to watch of it the past two or three years.

Whoever originally said it MUST be talking about the next M3, or maybe the next GTS...either way, the next M3 hahahaa