Serious question: Does GMG have interest in a company that manufactures bidets or do they just care that much about our buttholes?
Serious question: Does GMG have interest in a company that manufactures bidets or do they just care that much about our buttholes?
This post might be the dumbest thing I’ve read on the internet today.
The fact that he faced something less than a slap on the wrist for this incident AND received a promotion tells me that he has a patron in the MTA that is even worse than he is.
Always happy to reward a star to a Buchanan High Alum.
I’m not particularly effusive on social media, while my fiancee seems to use her Facebook feed as a running journal for her feelings. Sometimes, I’ll take pictures and not put them online. She’ll ask me why, and I tell her “Not everything I do or think is always for everyone else’s consumption”.
Stephen Miller isn’t someone people are just disagreeing with. He is a garbage person of epic proportions, so I think that there has to be a loop hole in the unwritten rules of doxxing somewhere to cover this.
I think it’s funny that FIFA has the high moral ground to tell anyone how to act.
“Because next week, I’m going to be standing in front of a broadcasting class of young people and some will be males and I have to tell them they have the same chance at jobs like those one as all others.”
I mean, if there is no Chris Hardwick, who will slavishly interview and ingratiate themselves to various celebrities in the name of “nerd culture”? WHO I ASK?
On the contrary, I find it way more pathetic to try to characterize and defend video gaming as a sport. Like some desperate plea for acceptance or respect.
Or, maybe, esports doesn’t really have any credibility to mainstream gamblers such that there would be that much action such that it worth the trouble at this time.
Not a dumb question at all. It’s an excellent idea, actually.
Not to mention the cost of stadium up keep and maintenance that Temple would NOT have to do because they are merely renting. Once Temple owns their own place, they will have to come up with the money to keep the place running. Given the history of Temple football, coming up with that money is very, very far from a…’re killing the narrative by using actual math and logic.
Maybe they’ll use some of that sweet, sweet gambling money to fix their public school systems in Delaware, which are not great for a state that small.
My guess is that this was brought up and Bill, himself, shot it down as something he’d have to deal with. He had to think that either he really didn’t do anything wrong (he’s been a powerful man for so long, this is likely the case) or that he didn’t think that interviewers would have the chutzpah to ask him about it.
No. No, he’s not.
You’re right. I’m all for judging women that do this just as harshly as we judge men just as soon as we stop espousing the magic and wonder of motherhood.
Can confirm your characterization: I’m actually familiar with the area. It’s in the Philly burbs and it is as white as you think it is.
Did whoever is currently advising Bill Clinton really believe no one would ask him about Monica Lewinsky, given the current headlines?