
At the time of writing this, my Equifax score is 40 points higher than my Transunion score. Figure that shit out. Scam if you ask me...

I agree “Inner City” has a racial undertone and needs to go away. I also agree that when “States Rights” was first used it was racial due to school segregation but now just means literally its the State’s right. But none of the other ones really qualify as having any type of racial undertone. They are a pretty hard

English mother f****r! Do you speak it?

“Though I have been known to remove the meat and cheese from a soggy roll and eat it, all feral-like, standing over the sink, I wouldn’t suggest you do the same, because you are no doubt a person of class and refinement.”

This woman needs drink some koolaid and hope on the next comet. Not only is she hard on the eyes, but my God is she dumb.

You’ll get slammed with negative comments on this so I will just say...

I happen to agree with Steve. There is an esteem and respect for the OFFICE that should be upheld. Whether you like the POTUS or not.

I do, I will, because it would happen. ;)

Yeah, me neither. I wonder what a day without men would be like. Whole damn world would stop moving.

Thanks Claire! This really does work! I figured this little trick out a few months ago and was able to extend my cilantro life significantly. I cook a lot of Mexican food so this is huge! :)

I loved growing chives. The purple flowers were beautiful and I used them as a garnish.

Tried it as I am taking a trip this weekend. Meh, they want references. I don’t give out friends/families emails. Had to pass...

Or you could just ignore it and go on about your day. I got scolded for talking about firearms in my break room one time. I was talking about hunting rifles with a Marine. I was told I cannot talk about firearms in a Credit Union break room. I said OK, then that very day had more discussions about firearms. Free

Yeah, in my experience talking with the neighbors doesn’t work. You can show up with lavish gifts like frankincense and myrrh or a pet Koala, but they will always get defensive. People know their dogs bark, but they become immunie to it and end up not giving a shit.

This was not only the article we deserve right now, but the one we need.

Great article. Thank you. As a Trump Voter (but maybe not so much supporter anymore) I think this has value. I really hope my fellow conservatives will wake up and do more to hold President Trump accountable for his actions. Some of the things I am seeing lately definitely show how inexperience plays a role in causing

Looks more like a sex/torture toy than a kitchen utensil.

Oh, I notice these damn things. Freaking irritating when you HAVE to run over them with your shopping cart full of groceries and everything goes bouncing around and flying all over the place like a cracked out flying monkey on roids. 

Also, Claire. My post wasn’t a slam on you, you are awesome. Some common sense “life hacks” just crack me up. OK? That is all. Love you, Bye.

This! All day everyday. I was amazed at the Blu-Ray collection when I first stepped into a public library after almost 20 years.