Vince Yim

And for the love of all that is good and pure, STOP responding to those ridiculous Facebook "games" that say things like "To learn your perfect stripper name, post the name of your favorite gem with the name of the street you grew up on!" because congratulations, the name of the street you grew up on is an incredibly


No... more like they are attracted to the bad boy, but eventually people get tired of getting treated like shit. There's no "I wish they were a nice guy." They don't want a "nice guy." No one wants the "nice guy/girl." Everyone wants someone that excites them... just sometimes that "excitement" means the other

I call you sexist. Who says she HAS to support him. Maybe she WANTS to support him but people like you force rules on what you think she should look like to you. And to tell you the truth some of those make her look pretty badass.

Bride : Range....500, wind, 6 knot S/SW.

Anyone willing to pay that price should be allowed to do whatever he wants with it.

No spoilers. Story runs parallel to the movie; there's similar characters and bits but nothing that will compromise the movie's story; it's an original story for the game.

heads up, contains info on the movie and possibly spoilers

It's one of my biggest pet peeves. Most people on youtube don't know how to put a coherent and entertaining video together. They're better off just writing the damn thing. It irritates me to no end that instead of being able to google a short 30 second read on how to do something, I'm getting shit loads of you tube

Put shorter... yes rational arguments can change minds. ..but not on the internet.

Master race

Yeah, but since you have the vid card, just throw in an AMD FX 8320 and mobo for it, and you will be golden for another three years or so. Such is the beauty of the Master Race.

It's not an ass pen, it's a hand pen. That's your problem right there.

Lesson or Skill -

Sochi raised the bar to $51 billion, but wasn't that mostly because $37 billion of that was just loaded up in dump trucks and distributed as political favor?

"get protein into the kids"

Actually, WotC buying TSR was a VERY GOOD thing. It saved D&D. TSR sold out because they were doing very poorly and losing lots of money in its last years. They were trying to win back the market from Games Workshop and WotC by aggressively putting out new products to directly compete with the two, such as the awful

I believe the most common creative use of lego is when you leave them on the floor to deter barefoot burglars.

I've always pictured Steam like this.