Vince Yim
Now playing

It's actually the beginning of a capoeira move called: Ponte ... 1:02

They should just not bother with this shit, it's not worth it.

The game, I hope you meant "beat the game".

It's set in a world where the disappearance of women has, as you'd expect, brought out the worst in the men.

That's the worst idea I've ever heard in my life.

Lovely. This is one reason why I avoid console launches. Back in the old days, when men were men and women were chaste, (I'm kidding, I'm getting into character) you didn't have console updates. You bought a console and it worked forever with every game that came out for it.

didn't realize it was hunting season, because that's one big buck passing by!

I was waiting for a reason to use this!

This clearly is not the case with multiplayer FPS.

Now that I made the "joke", it was a dick move, like the owner said, they are not robbing the huge companies, they are robbing that dude trying to make a living and that is not right, poor dude, now he has to refund every single of those pre-orders, even if he was selling manure.

At times like these I wish for a POIP (Punch over IP) technology.

If it's not your own kids, the possibilities really open up.

In regards to #11,

That's what she said.

Not a fan of these. They usually end up overflowing with, well, crap and create a mess and impromptu obstacle course on the stairs. I'm a big fan of the "get off your ass and take the crap upstairs" technique. No special equipment required.

I'd be curious to know how many people have ever encountered a virus without blindly clicking links or frequenting pirate/porn sites? As one who has had at least one personal computer since the BBS days, I've encountered a total of one virus in a downloaded program over a decade ago.