
Hell I’m sure they could have got Robin Lively, not like she’s doing anything except watching her sister’s movies...or watching Teen Witch.

Late story but oh well.

NFL team releases talented kicker who blew it in the games that mattered most? Dan Marino better be watching his back.

You appear to have a less than basic understanding of lots of things based on this post.

I think the most amazing thing is that 2009 had three movies come out called ‘I Love You _____’

Mr. Zoombiya, what did the Mariners do to you?

Does the Raptor have a room under the arena that he keeps all the cheerleaders he kidnaps?

Considering how old he is, how long he’s been there, he got a pretty firm handshake from someone. Except those two years he quit, that was a weak ass handshake.

Why’d the guy who came in to break it up deserve the worst of everyone with a concussion?

Now playing

I was at Game 2 of the World Series that year when Strickland had another melt down and started jawing at people left and right because he was getting lit up by the Royals, he really focused in Salavador Perez. Funny thing is, it looked like Posey was sick of his shit even in this video.

When in doubt, murder-suicide out.

It’s basically vodka

Quin Snyder looks like what Robert Downey Jr. would look like if he never stopped doing coke.

Eh, Fuck the Mets.

What about getting a response to your response?

Needed more Vaseline and Crisco.

I’ve heard a few different versions, one being that it’d mimic Ripley’s voice and say she was signing off/heading back to Earth.

I think the original idea before the Queen was created by Cameron and company was that the Xenomorph was self-replicating.

Why’d they have to bring Felicia Day onto this?

Jet’s cupcake fuel can‘t melt Hightower’s steel heart.