de Snoek


Uhhh the piracy excuse is way overused did you see the Suppressed EU Research Topic/Studies  over Piracy use and sales . Piracy does not really hurt sales if you think about it.

blindfolded, with the guitar hero controller, on b&w CRT tv, without turning on the game even once.

Is there a “get hit a lot and take forever” speedrun challenge? If there is, I’d like to put my name in.

I wonder how the ethics work in this situation. For the patient himself, his quality of life could potentially now have been made worse now that he’s conscious that he’s in a disabled state. He might also now be able to perceive pain and stress that he couldn’t before.

And thus was sounded the death knell of Star Trek: Discovery.

God if it will put an end to the entire argument about “parsecs are a measure of distance George messed up” vs. “he was able to take a short cut ditching hyperspace jumps via unsafe routes cutting parsecs off his travel time” it’ll be worth it.

I’m hoping for an extended origin story introduction where he gets his vest and blaster. That shit will be fascinating.

The Kessel Run job is what put him in debt to Jabba. He had to ditch the goods to get away, probably jettisoning the cargo in some way to slingshot around The Maw. And the cargo (actually Bantha manure) splattered all over a bounty hunter convention that was taking place on Cloud City which was also located around The

I had a Used Sales Manager once who sold his Countach for a BB512. He had loved the Countach, but claimed it to be a biblically terrible car. Oh, the things he would complain about in the Lambo. The clutch was too heavy, the visibility bordered on pillbox and the air conditioning was, “as effective as an asthmatic

Did you know that every Countach comes with a free 10 grams of coke? Also I think you have to snort a line off key to get the door to unlock, it was the precursor to the keyless entry system.

I believe she turns into an egg after a few days and the cycle repeats itself.

The Phantom Menace made me love Star Wars as a kid...

Looking forward to seeing Kylo Ren throw Snoke down the reactor core of Starkiller Base II while Porgs fight alongside the Resistance against the First Order on the surface of nearby moon.

Return of the just okay. Starkiller Base 2 confirmed as well.

“I feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of fans suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”

BMW forgot the kidney is part of the grille, not the grille.