de Snoek

“The team threw a Hail Mary to George, saying the game would have more credibility if the apprentice had a ‘Darth’ title,” a Force Unleashed team member says. Lucas agreed that this situation made sense for Sith royalty, and offered up two Darth titles for the team to choose from. “He threw out ‘Darth Icky’ and

It’s nice to see that Sid Turtlepuss has gotten some work since “Dinosaurs” was cancelled so long ago.

Did somebody say weird flying mammal? Colugo swoops in for the win!

I was going to say if Halos pistol wasn’t there the entire article would be invalidated. Luckily it was, so good job.

“In a fair world, assholes like him would be shunned and cast out.”

Kind of glossing the whole being fired from Google and being publicly shamed nationwide thing a little, aren’t you?

I thought the whole point of the original cartoon was taking a mean Scrooge (see that, SCROOOOOOOGE), where the sudden introduction of his nephews changes his world, and they create a sort of balance to his behavior (and eventually soften his heart). If that was all changed, and he is a nice guy who isn’t a jerk to

Welp, this is gonna be a fun commment’s section.


Yeah I see the same. I see similar things often, but never to the degree of furries.

Y’know what, I’ll just say it. You want to be furry, fine. Whatever. I don’t give a shit. But you know what my problem with furries are? THEY WON’T. STOP. SHOWING IT.

As much as the fandom wishes it could be seen as perfectly acceptable entertainment, the roots of the fandom are steeped in highly adult things, given that for a while, those with an adult interest in anthropomorphic animals couldn’t sate their desires at any of the Sci-Fi or Fantasy cons going on in the early

Because the millions of abused, neglected, and unwanted children ALREADY in the world needs millions more heaped onto the pile, right?? That’s the hypocrisy of ‘pro-life.’ They only care about the fetus entering the world. After that, they don’t give two shits how miserable that child’s life is...and a great many go

Ultimately I still don’t see why anyone would think that the mother doesn’t have the right to choose.

IF you think that she doesn’t and a woman “kills” her fetus, are you going to slap her with 1st degree manslaughter?

Whether that makes or doesn’t make sense, I think it’s nobody’s business what she decides.

How far

That’s one of the reasons I adore L.A. Noire: An intense focus on story and no damn filler.

They tried to turn Killer Whales into the next big shark scare in the 70's.

I'm with you a hundred percent.