
Last, Lisa, thank you for these excellent reviews! This show holds a special place in my heart after having fallen in love with the books, and it seems like one that could easily *not* be covered by AV Club. It makes such a difference having a writer review something they clearly like, but without holding back in

Was anyone else like "KADY GIRL WTF" when she immediately picks up the card on the desk after knowing that the librarian dude (AND her mom) both died as a result of touching some cursed piece of paper?

Wasn't it kind of weird that the new husband was just…nowhere? Considering how much attention was given to planning for a wedding, they could have at least gave one throwaway line about why he wasn't around or involved at all.

I am so glad they didn't go full tilt on making Julia a cartoon villain. I did feel a little whiplash at how significantly chilled and self reflective she was this episode compared to last, but I appreciate how they tried to explain it by having her describe the "memory" of feelings that she's trying to hold onto.

This episode made me realize how incredibly rarely deaf people are portrayed on TV. I love how it didn't really have any plot reason and was just like "hey yes these people also exist," and that they didn't make it precious in any way - Penny was still a douchebag to her, including shouting a "fuck you" with his back

Waaaaaait a second.

Reflecting on the Penny/Kady reunion made me realize it's so easy to forget that Penny can read minds. It's much easier to believe how quickly they skip right to reconciliation when imagining that he can truly understand what she's thinking and feeling. On top of the fact that, you know, Penny's life has been a

The editing was also really bizarre. Suddenly they're there and she's explaining, then they're not, then they're back without Julia but they're all wearing the same outfits for more caper details, and then return again for the day of the heist.

I can't believe this is a thing I'm asking, but was the implication that rather than put her finger in his mouth, Quentin had her finger his ass? Because that seems a bit…extreme?

Holy hell, this show was firing on all cylinders this episode. This show has often struggled having characters separated in their own plots that felt superfluous, so it's thrilling to see it hit a point where everyone has a compelling problem that all feels like it's building towards some common/bigger event. It's

I know, right?

I'm also having a really hard time with how the Eliot plot played out. I'm fine with the general "this must happen because…" sitch, but at the very least I can't believe he wouldn't have something sassy/witty to say about having to knock up his new magic wifey.

It's also unclear what her bargain actually is. I wouldn't be surprised if it was "let them live," especially since she already put herself in danger to save Kady.

This show's depiction of female characters is such a breath of fresh air. Between the bechdel test sex dream and how they handled the lack of satisfaction Alice was getting from sex I was impressed, but tonight they kept it going with Margo's "you don't get to be mad at me because you had sex with me" and Alice's

It's a bit of a leap this early on, but this show feels like a spiritual successor to Buffy in some ways. The writing, humor, and darkness hit the same nerve in a way that makes Mondays seem not as bad knowing I'll have a new episode to come home to. Knowing how good the books are, I've got high hopes that they'll

******Foreshadowing for book 2******

I haven't been this excited about a show in a really, really long time. I was initially anxious about some of the character and plot changes from the book, but in a way it now makes me realize how much more plot/story the show has compared to the first book (which I loved). Who knew I loved Margo?

Yes! I had a clear moment of, "wait, this season is going to be about VAMPIRES?" (I initially typed CAMPIRES which I think may actually be more accurate).

Is it just me, or can Conde only keep one eye fully open at a time? It's like perpetual cocked eyebrow

Lexa was serving some SERIOUS Khaleesi in this ep