
I love that the show writers seem to be in on it too. Stefan, upon seeing him in the kitchen, was all, "GTFO why are you here," and CW was like, "b/c PECS!"

And in 2016, The CW won its second Golden Globe for its gripping dramedy Salmon Ladder and Cosmic Treadmill

If anything, this D rating (which made me think OH GOD NO) made me want to defend the show when it turned out to be a fun, enjoyable episode. The Bill flashbacks sucked, sure. But how could you possibly be watching the seventh season of this show and think that this, "left the show with absolutely no forward

I totally agree. For the whole episode I was seriously worried they were going to reneg on Elena's turning.  I was literally cheering when she put the blood to her lips.

I totally agree. For the whole episode I was seriously worried they were going to reneg on Elena's turning.  I was literally cheering when she put the blood to her lips.

Also hilarious was the guidance counselor protesting, "But I can't read this!" and then perfectly translating.

Also hilarious was the guidance counselor protesting, "But I can't read this!" and then perfectly translating.

I've seen the first three seasons a good 2-3 times now while introducing new people to the show, and reading these makes me want to watch them all over again. The analysis and recaps in these reviews is so great that even after multiple viewings, I feel like I'm getting more out of the show. I really hope these